•Chapter 21

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T H I R D  P È R S O N

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Octavia walked into her dinning room where her family where, her date had just finished and now she had to face her families questioning. Especially the men, if she was upset they wanted to know why.

"Welcome home bambina" Georgio greeted his daughter 


"Hi papa, where's Luca" she asked to no one in particular, noticing he wasn't there.

"He's in his bedroom, go changed and then get him so we can ask some questions" Dante told his little sister

Octavia did what she was told and went to change her clothes and take off her make up before walking into her third older bothers room, she never usually knocked on his door but she wished she did now because she just walked in on Luca getting a blowjob from no other than Zack. Luca noticed Octavia at the door and immediately went red.

"Octavia its not what you think" he rushed out, his face still red 

"So your not getting head from Valentino's best friend" she asked sarcastically, a smile cracking at her face

Hearing Luca and Octavia talk Zack obviously stopped what he was doing and Luca covered himself. Octavia just laughed

"So Zack is this who your taking to the mafia gala"

Zack just looked down and whispered a small yes

"I didn't even know you where gay" she stated an eyebrow shot up in confusion

"I'm not I'm bisexual" Zack answered to Luca and Zack's surprise she responded with same.

"So Luca what about you?" Questioning her big brother, who was uncomfortable 

Luca felt very awkward the only person who knew his sexuality was Zack his boyfriend of 2 months. He we surprised his little sister was bisexual so he decided to tell her the truth.

"I'm gay Octavia" he answered sheepishly

"I'm guessing no one knows yet" she spoke out softly to which he just nodded

"Anyway what do you want" Luca asked changing the subject, his face returning back to it's normal colour

"They want you to come downstairs so you can all question me about my date but your clearly busy" he just laughed and told her he was going downstairs in a minute.

Octavia just nodded and made her way downstairs she was pleasantly surprised her older brother was gay but was very happy for him especially when he decided to come out speaking of that she still needed to tell her family she was bisexual but decided to wait.

Arriving downstairs she sat in her place while they waited for Luca a few minutes later he was downstairs and not bright red causing Octavia to giggle to her self. The silence stayed for about a minute until Dante broke it.

"Did you like the date Via?" he asked, a small part of him excited yet he would never admit that

"I did I'm surprised you told him my dream date though" she answered, the same smile still on her face

"We could tell how much he liked you and you clearly like him back i know I don't like you dating but if is going to make you happy then I'd been an idiot not to allow it to happen" Dante told his sister who was now speechless.

Not saying anything Octavia stood up and walked over to Dante sitting on his lap and giving him a hug to which he returned she whispered in his ear so no one else could hear. "I love you" Dante was surprised it wasn't everyday he heard those 3 words especially from his family so he was ecstatic.

"Are you going on another date with him principessa" Alfonso asked 


"Yes i think i really like him but that's only if my overprotective family allow it" she said looking at all the boys who just laughed

"If he makes you happy Tavia where not going to stop you we know how much he means to you" Maximo told her to which she just smiled even brighter.

Matteo cleared his throat before asking "I cant believe I'm asking you this but did he kiss you because then we are going to kill him" while glaring at her.

Octavia face went bright red causing her to look down "N-no why do you ask" she was clearly lying and hated her self for stuttering.

"OMG he kissed you" Luci and Francesca squealed together causing the boys to become angry.

"HE KISSED YOU" they all shouted together.

Georgio, Aldo and Leonardo all looked at there boys like they where crazy.

"Boys you said she could date so why are you getting defensive with her kissing a boy plus you've all kissed girls and maybe even boys" Leonardo said causing a couple of the boys stare wide eyed.

"Yeah but shes 17 she shouldn't be kissing boys yet" Apollo argued

"Dude your the same age as me and I've seen you make out with girls so shut up" Octavia snapped

"Yeah but I'm older plus boys have diseases, i don't like the idea of you kissing boys" he argued back

"Fine don't want me kissing boys ill kiss girls instead then" she said before releasing and smacking her hand against her lips

"What do you mean Via" Romeo questioned sceptically

"Shit, well i guess its time to tell you I'm bisexual" she answered truthfully, laughing at the end

"Cool we don't really care but good for you" Alessio said

"Wait so your fine with me being bi and kissing girls but kissing boys is a no" she asked generally confused

Georgio finally had enough with the boys being over protective.

"No princess what they mean is your growing up you can kiss whoever you want i trust you to make the right judgement plus Javier is a good kid so you can kiss him but by all means no SEX do you understand me Octavia Arabella Valentina Storm Bianchi" he said while glaring at her.

"Yes papa no sex I promise" she answered this caused the boys to slight relax until Ares asked the question no one was prepared for the answer

"You are a virgin aren't you Octavia?"

"Well the thing is about that I'm not" she spoke quietly

I thought they knew this- was her only thought

"WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR NOT" Valentino gritted out angry

"well i was raped" she stated "but I've also had it where i gave consent as well" she added on 

Octavia couldn't believe she was telling her family this stuff but they were going to know about Armani sooner or later.

"I want a name, age, address and everything else, now!" Nicolo spoke obviously angry

"Well his name was Armani Moretti he should be 18 years old and he's in a graveyard because he's dead" she stated bluntly, he was the one topic she did't want to talk about

"I'm sorry" everyone said at the same time.

"The story is for anther day but I'm tired so I'm going to bed goodnight" she sad and went to her room to sleep.

The rest of the family soon followed after as it was early 2 am.

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