•Chapter 19

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I walked out of school with one thing on my mind and that was to make my little sister happy even if that meant telling Javier something i didn't want to. 

A girl was walking next to me, her uniform was far to tight and she was rambling on about something i didn't have time for.

"Listen love, I'm busy find someone else, yeah?" i quizzed and flashed a smile

She gritted her teeth and stomped off, i viewed her ass as she did so.

I got to the car and jumped in waiting for Valentino since Luca was taking the younger twins home as they were busy.

He came to the car a few seconds later, a bright red face and sweat pouring down him. I swear he had shit to do tonight and he thought getting fucked was more important.

"I thought you had a race tonight" i asked amused as he got in the car

"fuck off and drive" he spoke

T I M E  S K I P

The minute we arrived home Valentino ran out to get ready for his fight while i changed out of my uniform into shorts and t-shirt before going to the games room where my brothers and cousins where.

"Where's Via?" i asked knowing Valentino was racing

"I don't know she went straight upstairs as soon as we came in" Matteo answered putting crisps into his mouth.

An hour went by and Octavia had yet to come down to join us, that was until we heard her and Valentino yelling at dad yet he wasn't here.

Nicolo went downstairs to see what was happening as he's the oldest before returning a few minutes later with a small smile.

"Are they doing something without us" whined Apollo

"No, Octavia is going to her friends house and Valentino is going for a drive" laughed Nicolo.

Yeah sure, he's going for a drive.

Shortly after dad and everyone else came home including Esmeralda. They came in a requested Marco, Nicolo and Monte for mafia work leaving me with my cousins and brothers.

Matteo decided to hang out with Julio so he dipped, while my cousins stayed in the game room either on their phones or playing GTA 5 and COD.

My phone pinged as Javier texted me meaning i had to leave as well.

T I M E  S K I P

Javier let himself in and met me in my bedroom, he sat on my bean bag as i sat on my desk chair scrolling through my phone and replying back to girls.

"Before you ask no she isn't here she's gone out" i said while rolling my eyes

"I wasn't going to ask i know she's gone out, i was messaging her before but that's actually why i came round" he spoke

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