Chapter 11

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Three people across from the Azrails siblings and obviously I had to sit between my brothers who were conversing. Athan glared silently at Alevina who spoke to me while Avel talked to Haider and Noel.

Haider was giving me small glances that I often caught but he didn't make any movements of shame which surprised me.

"So which academy are you from?" The sister asked me, everyone stopped talking and looked at me for an answer.

"I'm from the Southern High School." I said with a tight smile that didn't completely reach my eyes.

"Oh! I'm enrolling at Northwest academy, can't believe I'm going to be stuck with Haider." She rolled playfully while her brother glared at her.

"You are in senior year?" I frowned because she's Noel twin and not Haider, if I ever see a twin acting like him I would literally cry in my bed since two nemeses are hard to control.

"I jumped a year, they told me I had some knowledge and capacities to jump a year which didn't slow my studies." I hummed in response and quickly glanced at Haider who was already staring at me as he played with his ring that was wrapped on his finger.

"Children, it's time to eat!" Mr Azrails shouted making us groan out of exasperation, do we look like children first of all?

"Dad, please." Noel begged.

"You are seriously ruining the mood." Alevina continued her twin sentence, I giggled.

"Don't worry Elijah, I call my children little pies." My father laughed while slapping his shoulder, the twin's and I gaped in shock and astonishment.

Warning, my parents love to embarrass us during dinners with the guest. It's their favourite entertainment.

"What do you guys want to eat?" Mrs Azrails asked all of us with a smile on her face, we all said our order. I frowned at the menu book and glanced up to see that everyone is looking at me.

Why I didn't take Italian? Instead, I took German, I can be crazy sometimes.

"I want a B-bis-cett—"

"She wants a Biscetta Fiorentina with pesto." Haider cut me off by saying my order, how does he know that I want pesto and this meat dish?

And the way he said the dish in an Italian accent is just amazing.

Mrs Azrails nodded happily and called one of the waiters that were standing beside the balcony, I didn't even notice them.

"This was a simple name." Avel snapped his eyes at me and I narrowed my eyes.

"I didn't take Italian."

"You can barely speak German." The other brother beside me scoffed.

"Excuse me! At least, I know how to pay 56 cents." I argued, recalling the moment when my brother pulled a 5 dollars which the price was only 56 cents. He said that the changes could benefit the donations, he just didn't want me to hurt his ego.

Athan sneered and huffed childishly while I slapped the back of his skull, hitting him.

"Omg, not here!" My mother scolded us as she tugged our ear up, we whined in pain.

"That's the beauty of our creation." Our father chuckled nervously while lifting his glass of champagne wine.

We are the beauty of their creations.

"How many languages can you talk?" Mr Azrails changed the subject toward us, the twin replied 3 languages while I said 2.

I can barely talk English even though it's my home country.

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