Chapter 29

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The water looked clear and cleaned as I observed the pool, the private pool only for rich students. It was beautiful and full of windows.

"I can't believe we have swimming in this private academy." Cross huffed as he crossed his arms and watched the students pairing up, further away we can see my brothers getting all the attention of the women.

We criticized the students from the bench side, watching people forming a group and get together. Danielle and the girls waved at me which I gave them a smile back, Chase laughed over some things with Alec and Braxton.

I remembered the boys who were there at the party, Ansel, Neal and Everett joining them. All of them were half-naked, however, nobody got the attention of the girls.

"Hey, guys." Noel greeted us as he sat next to me. It's been a while we haven't see him since the party, where he was drugged out of his own will.

"Noel! What's up?" Cross asked him as he bent down to high-five him, the same thing for me.

"I'm doing alright."

"Why aren't you with them?" I asked, pointing to the students who were flashing their abs or breast.

Thank god, I'm not over there.

"I got shot in my shoulders." He said, casually. I looked at him with wide eyes, same thing for Cross.

"Sorry? What!"

Is he serious?

"I'm joking, I dislocated my shoulder when I fell into the stairs. I must say that I'm really clumsy." He laughed off nervously, we nodded silently laughing with him.

"What about you guys?" He asked and I nudged Cross to talk first.

"Coach thought that I was going to pour pink sparkles in the water which got me grounded. I can't show off my muscles anymore." He pouted, shaking his head.

"Your inexistant muscles." I added sarcastically, he rolled his eyes. Noel nodded in comprehension and turned to me.

"I'm allergic to chlorine." I said sadly, I would love to swim but only in the ocean and beaches. Not in a real pool.

"At least, you don't get to swim." He stated and I chuckled, I knew that I avoided the bad thing which was bullying.

We stayed silent as we heard our coaches ordering the students to pair up into their original group, Avel grunted because he wanted to be with Haider who scowled and walked toward his friend of the group. I noticed the difference between my brothers and Haider.

Haider was with Ansel, Neal, Everett and Braxton while my brothers were with Alec, Nick and Chase. They were five against five and still people found them hot, girls stood behind them. Fawning at their beauty while Danielle, Cassy and Alevina glared at the girls for staring at their men.

Their men are the twins and Alec, ew.

"Chase is so fucking hot."

Cross and I gasped in disbelief as we turned to the other side, thinking that a girl found him hot which was surprising. Our friend getting hit, but I know that Chase will reject her because he's into boys right now.

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