Chapter One - Ultraviolence.

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He used to call me poison
Like I was poison ivy
I could have died right there
Cause he was right beside me
Jim raised me up

He hurt me but it felt like true love
Jim taught me that
Loving him was never enough.

I love you the first time, I love you the last time
Yo soy la princesa, comprende mis white lines

Cause I'm your jazz singer and you're my cult leader
I love you forever, I love you forever.

June 18th 2018.

"I'm home amore" I hear his tired voice call from the front door of our small apartment.
Those were the words I had been waiting to hear ever since he left earlier on this morning. I make my way out of our open kitchen to see him walking into the sitting room, a smile growing on his face as soon as he sees me.
I rush over to him, feeling him wrap his arms around me and hoist me around him. 

"I missed you" I mumble against his lips while he walks over to the couch, sitting us both down. as I straddle him, running a soft hand through his silk dark brown hair.

"I missed you too amore, how was your day?"

"It was okay, nonna came over for a coffee and a chat which was nice" 

"How is she?" He questions, his face lighting up when I said her name, the bond those two shared was incredibly strong. Sometimes I'm convinced she loves him more than me.  

"She's good, she wants us to come over for dinner tomorrow... that's if your free of course" I smile down at him as he caresses my cheek admiringly. 

"For you and Nonna, I'm always free" He pulls my face forward to kiss my lips which eventually gets more heated but I push him back, reminding myself that there was soup still boiling on the stove.

"I have to make dinner Dee" I get up from his lap carefully only to be pulled back down aggressively to meet the smirk on his lips.

"Dinner can wait"

Dinner did wait. Well it then became breakfast the next morning.

November 1st 2020

I sit up abruptly in my bed, waking up to the sound of my home phone ringing. What the? I glance at the time to see it was half four in the morning. Who the hell was calling me at this time? I push myself off of bed and stumble through to the hallway, picking up the phone on the last ring. 

"Hello?" My voice grumbles into it. 

"Eve, Eve baby?" I hear the sound of my mothers voice, it was as if she had been crying.

"Mum? What's wrong?" I worry, immediately forgetting about how tired I am and what time it actually was.

"Nonna's taken a turn for the worst sweetheart" 


"She has a bad infection in her lungs, the doctor just called and told me that it's taken a turn for the worse so dad, Alessia and I are going over. I think this may be the beginning of the end my darling" 

The first few years of my life, we lived in Italy. It's where my mum and dad met actually while my dad was on holiday with his best friend, my fathers Scottish so that's where I get my accent but my mother is full Italian. We moved to Scotland when I was ten years old and three years later my little sister Alessia was born. 
We would go back to Italy for every holiday and eventually I ended up moving here to spend more time with my Nonna seeing as I didn't get to see her as much as I wanted to, I expected to spend only the year there seeing as I wanted to go into University but that didn't happen... because I met someone. I met someone who became my everything in a such short space of time and it's fair to say he was the only man I ever loved. Maybe I still do, I don't know.
We fell in love quickly and we ended up getting a small place together which we lived in for a whole three years but of course good things come to an end. 
He was in a band and it soon enough became his everything. Our relationship became strained and we fought at least twice a day, blaming each other for the things we didn't do. It became so unbearable that I booked a flight home to spend a holiday with my family, knowing it was space we needed and when I returned two weeks later, I came home to find an empty apartment with only a letter to say goodbye, he moved out and apologized for how our once happy relationship turned toxic.... and I began to hate Italy. Everywhere I went, I was reminded of the times him and I shared and it broke my heart even more although it was already completely broken so I did the hardest thing I'd ever had to do... and that was to move back home permanently. 
That all happened a year and six months ago.

"I'm coming with you. When are the flights?" 

"Are you sure? I thought your work wasn't allowing time off right now" Little did she know I got fired two weeks ago. I've been rotting away in my small dingy apartment that was once nice, having nothing to do and no people to see as all my friends were either in Italy or away at university. "And also won't it be hard for you? To go back I mean?"

Yeah, it was gonna be very fucking hard. But at the end of the day, it's for my Nonna. I wanted to be there with her if she did end up passing away.

"Nonna's more important" I sigh, beginning to walk to my room, getting out a large suitcase to throw all my clothes in. 

"Okay baby. Meet us at the airport for six, our flights at eight-thirty" 

"Okay mamma, see you there" I throw the phone down on the bed and fold all the freshly washed clothes into the dark blue suitcase. I take a deep breath to try to calm myself down, my heart was racing in chest at the thought of going back but I knew if I was ever gonna bite the bullet, it was going to be now. I was twenty for gods sake, I was too old to be worrying about a stupid ex boyfriend.
Right now, Nonna is my first priority. 

For Your Love. {Damiano David}Where stories live. Discover now