Chapter Four- The Night We Met.

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I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt
I've been searching for a trail to follow, again
Take me back to the night we met

And then I can tell myself
What the hell I'm supposed to do
And then I can tell myself
Not to ride along with you

I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you

Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Oh, take me back to the night we met.

"Eve! Come on, we're going to be late!" My friend Sierra yells from outside the coffee shop I was in. She had been begging me to go to the movies with some guy she had been seeing because she didn't want things to be awkward and I was really not up for it. I just wanted to get my coffee and find a seat by the pond to spend the day there relaxing but I was being forced to go. 

Another five minutes passed when I finally got my coffee, I thank the man and head outside to see I had been completely ditched. Sierra and her toy boy were nowhere in sight and I couldn't help but admit I was very relieved. I smile to myself and begin to walk down the sunny streets of Rome with my latte in hand, listening to 'Separate Ways' By Journey. I had moved back to Italy six months ago to spend time with my nonno and nonna seeing as I rarely got see them as much as I wanted to. It's been really fun, I mean we've had our own road trips all around Italy. This place was just so beautiful and romantic, it gave France some competition.

After a few minutes walking around, I finally find the area I wanted to sit around. I reach into my pocket and pull out a cigarette while digging around for a lighter and of course... I didn't have it on me. I had been looking forward to a coffee and a cigarette, fucking hell. I look around to see if I could find anyone smoking and sure enough, my eyes find a guy with shoulder length hair and a trench coat smoking a cigarette alone. I hated asking strangers for a lighter but right now I was desperate. 

"Excuse me? Could I borrow your lighter? I stupidly forgot to bring mine" I question him as soon as I walk over. He chuckles and nods slowly, pulling it out from the pocket of his trench coat. 

"Thanks" I smile, taking it. I place the cigarette between my lips and light up.

"You're not from around here are you?" He mentions, staring up at me. A hand over his eyes to avoid the sun. He must have realized I had an accent.

"Well it's funny you say that because it's quite a story but I'll make it short, I was born here and lived here up till ten but moved to Scotland seeing as my dad was born there and now I'm living here for the year with my grandparents" I explain. Well that was a ramble and a half, I've probably tired the guy out. "Sorry, you didn't ask but I told you anyway"

He laughs up at me and takes the lighter back, shoving it into his pocket. "What's your name?"

"Eve, what's yours?" 


Damiano and I cut the vegetables in silence with our backs to each other, not daring to utter a word to one another knowing it'll end up in an argument. I dice the onion and turn, placing it in the bowl between us on the island. Nonna had requested we make her favourite dish for dinner, the one Damiano and I used to make for everyone all the time except this time the food wasn't 'filled with love' 

"We're home!!" I hear Alessia shout. Her and dad went out to the market to get ingredients for the dessert my mum and Alessia are making after dinner. We turn as she runs in and immediately she rushes over to Damiano who of course hoists her up to hug her. I'm going to have to get used to being ignored, it was pretty funny.

"Look Dee, we got flour and sugar and milk... oh and icing!" She rants on, letting him peek into the bag.

"Mhmm dessert is going to be delicious, I'm so excited" He grins, kissing her cheek before placing her back down as she rushes back over to dad. I turn to the bowl in the middle of us and mix the veggies and sauce together only to feel arms wrap around my waist. I had to remind myself he was playing the part we were being forced to play. Part of me wanted to lean back into his embrace but I couldn't help but tense up as soon as he touched me, how times had changed. I could see him hugging me from behind had Alessia convinced that things were fine, I could tell she wasn't so sure when I first saw him beside nonna's bed. Well I did almost cuss him out with an angry look on my face so I could see why.

"What's for dinner?" Alessia asks as dad helps her up onto the stool beside us at the island.

"Veggie tomato pasta bug" I reply with a small smile. 

"Oo yummy" She licks her lips, peeking over the bowl. I chuckle and lean over to kiss her head.

"Could you start on the bruschetta?" I turn to ask Damiano who still had his arms around me, I was beginning to get uncomfortable... and pissed of course but I was playing it down. He nods and kisses my cheek before turning around, heading over to the fridge. 


"Mummy, how long were you and daddy together before you got married?" Alessia turns over to mum during dinner in nonna's room. I sit beside Damiano on the left side of nonna's bed as mum, dad and Alessia were on the other side. 

"Two years baby" My mum smiles in response as I shove my face with another spoonful of pasta. The room goes quiet once again as everyone carries on eating peacefully.

"So why haven't Dee and Eve gotten married? They've been together for years now" She questions which has me choking on my pasta. I cough aggressively, trying to move the piece of pasta lodged in my throat as Damiano hits my back roughly to help. I finally move it and take the water my nonna had offered, gulping it down.

"Not everyone wants to get married sweetheart" My dad tries to avoid the conversation.

"Dee why don't you want to marry Eve?" Alessia questions sadly. Damiano rubs the back of his neck nervously before placing down his nearly empty bowl.

"Erm... I do want to marry her but... erm, I... I want to focus on my music before I do... do you understand what I mean?"

"I guess so... Eve, if he asked you to marry him would you say yes?" She turns over to me. I swallow another mouthful of my pasta carefully this time and nod.

"Yeah" I reply shortly. 

"Okay good!" She grins, going back to eating her pasta. I could feel nonna watching me, I glance up as she mouths a heartfelt 'sorry'. Well I hope the awkward questions were finished. 

I spoke too soon.

"Mummy, how old were you when you had Eve?" She asks. Knowing where this was going, I stand up abruptly and cut her off quickly.

"Oh would you look at that! All of us have finished our pasta! I think it's time for dessert to be made, I'm too excited to wait!" 

Alessia giggles and stands up from her chair, handing her bowl to mum.

"Come on mama! Let's go!!"


Nonna had fallen asleep right after dessert at nine o'clock so for the last hour we've all been resting up in the sitting room. I was snuggled up to my mum as Alessia was half asleep on Damiano's chest as the tv played quietly. 

"She adores you Dee" My mum smiles over at the two of them as he chuckles softly, looking down at the girl. 

"I adore her. I've missed her" 

But he didn't miss me. I close my eyes tightly and push myself off of the couch. I just wanted to go to bed and dream about being back home. 

"I'm going to bed, night guys" I sigh.

"You need to put Alessia to bed sweetheart" My mum yawns tiredly.

"Don't worry, I'll do it" Damiano smiles, standing up carefully with Alessia still cozied up against his chest. "Night Luke, night Maria" He bids goodnight as I let him go up the stairs first, following him quietly so we weren't to disturb nonna. We get to the top of the stairs and begin to walk separate ways to the different bedrooms when I hear him quietly call out a "Goodnight Eve" 
I ignore him and walk straight into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

For Your Love. {Damiano David}Where stories live. Discover now