Chapter Fifty Seven - Sirens.

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Tear me down
Tell me I don't need to fear
Tell me now
Tell me somebody's near
Sirens are all I hear

They keep calling out
Keep calling out someone's name
Keep calling out
And all I can do is pray
That these sirens
Sirens don't come our way

Eve's P.O.V

Damiano and I were on the road again and driving down the deserted country roads of Italy while Paolo Nutini plays quietly in the background, setting the mood beautifully. 

"Damiano you pissed the bed!" I exclaim in the middle of a laughing fit as we remember all of the older memories we shared.

"I know but that wasn't my fault! I was seventeen and new to drinking and I obviously drank more than I should have and... I peed the bed" He nods shamefully, a small smile on his face.

"I know you did Dami, I was in the bed with you" I point out as he covers his face embarrassedly with one eye watching the road ahead. "See we were closer than you think" 

"Were we together?" He questions nervously, turning down a left street. 

"I think only just, maybe like a week into the relationship" I nod, laughing at his scared expression. "I never judged you for it though baby, don't worry" I reassure him, placing my hand on his shoulder and rubbing it down his arm. 

"I know you didn't" He leans over cautiously and pecks my lips briefly before fully turning forward to the road. "You cleaned the sheets and bathed me" He laughs loudly.

"I know I did... at least you learnt your lesson though" I chuckle just as he pulls his car into the car park outside the restaurant Damiano wanted to try. I was actually really hungry seeing as we hadn't even had breakfast yet. He wanted to try out a little Mexican place his brother had recommended to him ages ago and I was pretty excited. I literally only ever ate Italian food, it's become an addiction at this point. We both get out of the car, I grab my handbag from the seat and close the door as I meet Damiano on the pavement who had lit himself a cigarette. 

"Dami I'm starving" I complain, just wanting to go straight inside. He imitates my grumpy expression and wraps an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side. 

"You could have said, I would have parked the car somewhere more private" He cocks up his eyebrow jokingly, blowing the smoke away from my face. As much as I love sex, I really don't think I could go another round. My legs feel as if they are literally about to fall off.

"You should have thought about that before almost breaking my leg this morning" I respond with a small glare. 

"I didn't almost break it amore" He says matter of factly. 

"You bent it backwards! You also clicked it out of place" I point out, folding my arms. 

"You like it rough so why are you complaining?" He smirks. Well he wasn't wrong. "Do you want me to slow it down in bed huh?" 

"Well no bu..."

"Damiano! Oh mio Dio, sono Damiano!" We hear a collection of voices shout excitedly. (Damiano! Oh my god, it's Damiano!) I turn my head while wrapped under Dami's arm to see a group of girls and boys had spotted him. 

"Ciao, come state ragazzi?" Damiano smiles kindly as they reach us. I move out from underneath his arm, giving his fans a small shy smile. (Hello, how are you guys?)

"Siamo a posto, potremmo avere delle foto?" One of the girls ask sweetly, she had really cool pinkish hair. (We're good, could we have some pictures?) 

"Certo che puoi" He responds happily. It was so odd to see Damiano with his fans, when him and I were dating a while ago he wasn't as well known as I imagine he is now. It was nice to see how happy he is when he's talking with them. The sound of a car door slamming echoes around the empty car park and I glance over to see Italian men with large cameras rushing out of their cars and over to where a larger group was swarming around Damiano and I. 

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