Chapter Thirty One - My Mind.

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You can't even look me dead in the eyes
Her love is strong, she got you hypnotized
You say you love me, but I know it's a lie
When I work so hard to keep you satisfied

I, I, I
I'm 'bout to lose my
I, oh, I am, I
I'm 'bout to lose my
My mind, my mind, my mind
'Bout to lose my
My mind, my mind, my mind
'Bout to lose my, woah

How could ya? How could you do, do this to me?
No way, no way, she can't take you away from me
I sure won't stay, but I'll be damned if I ever leave
No way, no way, she won't take you away from me.

(I recommend you all listen to this song full blast, the lyrics fit perfectly with this chapter and the cover of this song is so ...beautiful)

The concert had finished and Reina was practically rushing me backstage so I could show off my new outfit, she was such a mother. I keep having to slap her hand away and attempt to walk on my own. We reach their dressing room and walk inside to see everyone but Damiano. Victoria glances over from the makeup table and grins, getting up and rushing over to me.

"You look so fucking hot. I couldn't take my eyes off of you all concert" She tells me as I laugh, embracing her close.

"You weren't the only one" Reina sniggers childishly as I elbow her rib roughly enough to hear her groan. I pull away and Ethan rushes over, spinning me around excitedly.

"Prima di tutto dove hai preso questo vestito, secondo di tutto... ti rendi conto di quanto sei incredibile?" Ethan questions as I chuckle while he places me back down. (First of all where did you get this outfit, second of you realize how amazing you look?)

"Sai davvero come lusingarmi" I kiss his cheek before wrapping my arms around Thomas who was awaiting my embrace. (You really know how to flatter me)

"Where's Damiano?" I question curiously, reaching into my purse to get a cigarette. Ethan glances at Victoria and steps forward. 

"Guardare... prima di scoprirlo da solo... qualcuno si è presentato. Stava aspettando qui quando siamo tornati nella stanza e lei... non sembrava felice." He explains, taking my hands. ( Look...before you find out for yourself, someone showed up....she was waiting here when we got back to the room and she... didn't look happy)

"È la sua fottuta ex ragazza, vero?" I spit cutting to the point, feeling my body begin to tremble with anger. (It's his fucking ex girlfriend isn't it?)

Ethan nods sadly. I couldn't just stand here and think about all the things they were possibly doing right now... I had to go and find them. I hated this girl already and I had no clue who she fucking was.

"Dove sono andate?" I question, folding my arms as Thomas shakily points out back. I nod firmly and storm out of the dressing room. (Where did they go?)

"Eve, aspetta! Vengo con te." I hear Victoria call after me. (Eve, wait! I'm coming with you)


Victoria and I were sneaking around the wall that lead to the back and we stop quickly when we hear loud voices being exchanged. 

"Dami per favore!!" She begs.

"No giorgia. We're done, I moved on and you should too" He shakes his head at her, refusing to speak Italian purposely. 

"Why are we done?! Is it her? Is it that girl you've been fucking?!" She spits with hatred in her voice. The girl he's been fucking? Try the girl he dated for three years sweetheart. Victoria keeps a grip on my arm to stop me from storming around that corner and dealing with her myself. 

"That girl I've been fucking?!" He scoffs. "Fuck you Giorgia, you had no right coming here. My friends are here and this is my circle of people, you aren't involved in that circle anymore" 

For Your Love. {Damiano David}Where stories live. Discover now