Chapter Fifty - She Remembers.

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"The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected." – Nicholas SparksMan's feelings are always purest and most glowing in the hour of meeting and of farewell." – Jean Paul Richter
Remember me and smile, for it's better to forget than to remember me and cry." – Dr. Seuss
I thought I was stronger than a word, but I just discovered that having to say goodbye to you is by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do." – Colleen Hoover
"This is not a goodbye, my darling, this is a thank you." – Nicholas Sparks

I watch as Eve's face brightens as soon as she realizes my family were our 'lunch and dinner' guests. My father, brother and I walk up the pathway over to the door my mamma had ran to in a hurry to greet Eve and her family. 
Luckily for us, our families adored one another. It was as if we were one big one... obviously they all hadn't seen each other in a very long time. My mamma was very happy, in the car over here she wouldn't stop talking about happy and fulfilled she feels about Eve and I getting back together. 

"Rosa, sarai la sua morte. Lasciala respirare." My dad rolls his eyes making me crack a smile. He wasn't wrong. (Rosa, you are going to the death of her My mamma pulls away and gives him the finger just as Maria rushes over to the door happily, pulling her apron off. (Rosa, you're going to be her death. Let her breathe)

"Ciao!!" She exclaims as my mamma drops her bags down to the ground carelessly. She throws herself in Maria's arms as they both scream and jump happily, accidentally knocking into Eve harshly. Eve falls into my chest as I catch her smiling, I wrap my arm around her shoulder and bring her closer to me. 

"Hello sweetheart, how are you?" Papa asks her, taking her hand and kissing it in greeting. 

"I'm doing good Daniele, how are you?" 

"I'm good darling, very hungry seeing as my wife starves me before we go to company's house" He brings up as I roll my eyes, hiding my face in the top of her head. 

"Mi sei mancato così tanto! Hai dimenticato di chiamarmi!" Mamma lectures. (I've missed you so much! You forgot to call me!)

"Ho dovuto cambiare i numeri di telefono, mi dispiace tanto! Siete tutti qui ora e questo è tutto ciò che conta" Our mamma's kiss each others cheeks before parting. (I had to change phone numbers, I'm so sorry! You're all here now and that's all that matters)

"Ah Maria! Sei bellissima, ci siamo persi molto la tua azienda" Papa walks over to wrap her in soft hug. (Ah Maria! You look beautiful, we have missed your company greatly)

"Daniele! Stai benissimo, sembri molto più sano" (Daniele! You look great, you look so much healthier)

"Grazie tesoro, quella dieta che hai raccomandato tutti quegli anni fa ha funzionato una delizia" (Thank you sweetheart, that diet you recommended all those years ago worked a treat)

"Dai papà, non ingoiare tutto per te" Jacopo complains jokingly. (Come on dad, don't hog her all to yourself) I walk around the hugging bunch with Eve under my arm and let the family members greet each other as we head down the hall to catch a breather. 

"How was the studio?" She asks me sweetly, once we were out of sight from everyone. I nod my head slowly, avoiding her eyes which I could tell she found odd.

"Yeah it was good, we wrote a few songs... all we need to do is record them" I explain briefly. 

"That's so good baby. Aren't you glad you ended up going? I bet it cleared your mind" 

"I guess you could say that, yeah" I nod with a smile. 

"Damiano! Eve! Lunch is ready!" 

May 5th 2019

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