Chapter Thirty Seven - Say Something.

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Say something, I'm giving up on you

I'll be the one, if you want me to
Anywhere, I would've followed you

Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all

And I will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl

Say something, I'm giving up on you

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

Anywhere, I would've followed you

Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye.

May 6th 2019

After two weeks in Scotland, I finally felt ready to come back home to Damiano and our home. I had been missing him like crazy but I knew we needed that time apart to breathe, every day we would argue and every day we would fall out of love even more.

I didn't want that to happen. I wanted us to sort everything out and be happy together the way we used to. We needed a break. I walk into our apartment building in Rome to see Lucia, our landlord going through letters. Man I had missed this place. I was only gone two weeks and I'm acting as if it were two years.

"Hello Lucia" I smile kindly walking over to the desk where she glances up and gives me a surprised look.

"Miss Eve, I didn't think you would be returning" She worries, standing up from her seat at the desk. What did she mean?

"Oh no, it wasn't a long trip. Damiano and I just needed some space but I'm back now. I better head up there and see him before he begins to worry, I'll see you soon Lucia" I bid goodbye and roll my two suitcase over to the lift, getting in and pressing floor three. I couldn't wait to kiss him, it's all I had thought about since getting on the plane back in Scotland.

It was lovely to see Lucia, she was always a good friend of Damiano and I's. She let us move into the apartment when we were struggling for money but obviously its all been payed back for now. She really saved both our asses at times we needed it the most.

The elevator doors open and I walk out of them quickly, rushing myself down the hall to our apartment door . I get out my keys and put them in the door, barely holding my excitement as I push open the door to be met with the sweet smell of Damiano's lingering aftershave. God, it was good to be home. I shut the front door behind me and make my way eagerly further into the flat.

"Damiano?" I call out hopefully, glancing in the rooms with the open doors to see he wasn't there. I make my way into the sitting room and glance around in confusion. He didn't have the studio today so where was he? I'm pretty sure I left him a text, reminding him what day I was coming home, why wasn't he here?

"Damiano?" I call out again, walking over to peek through the balcony window to see if he was there having a smoke where he usually does... but he wasn't.
When I turn around, a beige envelope catches my eye that was rested on the coffee table alone, the usual flowers that lay there were no longer in sight. I frown softly and pick up the envelope, unwrapping it carefully. Was this a surprise or something? What was going on?

I slowly unravel the paper inside the envelope that was folded and read.

Mi amore,

For Your Love. {Damiano David}Where stories live. Discover now