Chapter Fifteen - Panic Attack.

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Alessia hides herself in Damiano's coat, burying her face in his leg as we walk down the empty hospital corridor nervously. I was feeling faint as if I couldn't breathe... I hated hospitals. I had so many odd memories in this place, ones I didn't want to remember. 
Damiano takes my hand firmly in his and gives me a look of reassurance, lifting my hand to kiss it softly. We reach the door at the end of the hall and I squeeze Dee's hand tighter to reassure myself that everything was going to be okay. 
We walk into the room to see Nonna sitting up in her bed with both my mum and dad at her side, drinking cups of coffee while talking quietly to themselves. 

"Nonna" Alessia pulls out of Dami's coat and rushes over to the bed happily. She sits up on the bed and wraps her arms around the older woman.

"Careful bug" I warn her as both Damiano and I take a seat opposite my parents. My nonna reaches over and takes my hand as she cuddles her other granddaughter next to her. 

"I've missed you three so much already" She grins, pulling down her breathing mask. 

"We missed you too Nonna, how are you feeling?" Damiano questions worriedly. She smiles sadly at him

"The same old sweetheart, I'm sleeping more though which is good"

"That is good" My mother joins in, nodding with her.

"Are you coming home today Nonna?" Alessia asks her. 

"Nonna can't come home today sweetheart... but she will be very soon" My dad tells my baby sister softly. I could see her face sadden and she turned back to Nonna. 

"Are you really sick Nonna?"

I couldn't take anymore of this. I excuse myself quickly and rush out of the room, feeling my body begin to panic more than it had been all morning. I needed air. 

I quickly shove open the exit door and burst outside desperately, trying to control my irregular breathing. I knew it was a panic attack, I've had two or three of them before and they scared the living shit out of me. I begin to pace around the pavement, wishing the feeling would just go away. 

"Eve?" I hear Damiano question from inside, knowing he was looking for me.

"Dami!" I shout despairingly. Seconds later, I turn my head to see him burst out of the doors just like I had done a few minutes before. He knew immediately what was happening. 

Damiano's P.O.V

She was having a panic attack. 

I remember the last two she had, luckily she was always with me so I knew how to calm the situation down. I hated seeing her like this, the other times she had been screaming and crying but I could see she was holding everything back seeing as we were outside of a hospital and she didn't want to worry her family.

"It's okay amore, I am right here" I remind her as I take slow steps towards her. "Would you like me to hug you or would you like some space?" 

"A hug" She swallows heavily. I nod and take a few more steps, wrapping her up in my arms. Her whole body was trembling against me, I knew she was holding herself back but she knew if she needed to cry she could. I hated when she would hide every possible emotion. It always worried me because it's not normal. I pull away slightly and cup her jaw with both my hands.

"Look at me" I tell her. She glances up nervously to look me in my eyes. "You're safe baby, this attack won't last long okay? I'm right here with you, take slow deep breaths" I remind her as she nods slowly, breathing in and out slowly with me. 

Eve's P.O.V

After five minutes had passed, I finally felt that weighted feeling on my chest lift. I move my buried head from Damiano's chest and take another deep breath before having the confidence to look him in the eyes, I was so embarrassed. 

"I'm sorry I.."

"Don't you dare apologize for a panic attack Eve. They happen" He reassures me, stroking a strand of my hair behind my ear. I smile up at him thankfully.

"Thanks for coming to find me... and for staying here with me" 

"Always amore" He whispers, pressing a firm kiss on my forehead. For once, I didn't feel the urge to push him away and tell him off for calling me 'amore'.

"Are you okay to go back inside or do you need a few minutes?"  He asks me kindly but I shake my head no.

"It's getting cold, we should probably head back inside"


We had arrived back home and stopped by for pizza on the way, bringing it back home. I wasn't too hungry so I excused myself up to my room for a nap seeing as I wasn't feeling that well. My whole body was feeling tight and tired, I just needed some time alone to lay down and think. 

I shut my bedroom door behind me and flop down onto my bed tiredly. I kick my shoes off tiredly and get myself under the warmth of my thick covers, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


I had woken up from my nap an hour and a half ago and was now laying on the couch with Alessia as Damiano was in the kitchen making us all dinner. I was actually kind of excited, I hadn't had his cooking in a long time... I've missed his chicken cacciatore. I sip the wine he had fetched for me as I was enjoying 'Matilda' on the Tv. It's always been one of my comfort films, I couldn't get enough... the soundtrack, the film, the actors. I think I had rubbed it off Alessia too. I don't think I've ever seen her so interested in a film ever. 

"And... dinner is.." Damiano walks into the livingroom and places down three different dishes for us to share about down on the table. The smell made my eyes and mouth water as I quickly sit up from laying down and make myself comfortable. 

"Here you go amores" He grins, handing us both cutlery. 

"Grazie Dami" Both Alessia and I chorus. There was chicken cacciatore...Caponata... spaghetti carbonara... oh and red wine of course, not for Sia though. I plate up a mixture of the foods onto a plate for Alessia before digging in myself. Damiano comes back into the room with a spare plate for himself before flopping down next to me on the sofa, both of us smiling at one another.

We spent the rest of the night all cuddled up on the couch watching films such as 'Father Of The Bride and Three Men And A Baby' before I carried Alessia up to bed at ten o'clock at night, leaving Damiano on the couch who had passed out halfway through the second movie.

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