Ch.1 - Hollowness

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Ch.1 - Hollowness

(AN- This chapter goes by pretty fast, cause I'm assuming everyone knows the basic premise of Kimetsu no Yaiba. So things will slow down from Ch.2 onward)

A gentle gust of wind made the leaves on the trees above you dance as you walked. Your eyes keeping a constant stare at what was directly before you, while your ears covered the rest of the surrounding areas. The sun was setting and thus the forest you walked through started to show it's nightlife.

You hoped that the village you were looking for would appear in another few moments. You had been walking all night to reach it and thus were ready for a nice long rest and some good food.

The pair of Nichirin blades on either side of you clattered gently, ready to be pulled out and used at the smallest hint of danger you could pick up on. Though you had not run into a demon at all during the night. So perhaps... the danger laid elsewhere.

Your thoughts fell silent as you soon saw buildings appearing before you. With a jump in your steps, you picked up the pace. The village before you appeared more and more and you couldn't wait to relax after your long travels.

However, the smell of something coppery made you pause as you near the entrance to the village. Your eyes widening as your nose started to pick up on other scents mingled in burned wood, blood, and more.

You drew your left blade out, its lavender-blue hue reflecting the sun as you started to wonder about the village. Your eyes scanned the village and with each new image, your stomach fell more and more.

The homes were burned, destroyed, or falling in on themselves. The bodies of people laid in the streets: some still identifiable, others tore into pieces. There were even appendages just laying about.

There was only one culprit for such a gruesome scene- demons.

Those creatures have been around for decades, maybe even centuries at this point. You had run into them before and were lucky to tell the tale. Many others who had the misfortune didn't live to tell the tale... like this village.

You wandered through with your guard up, part of you hoping to find survivors, but another part of you worried about what else you might find in the ruins of this place. Your feet were quick and you checked the bodies that had a chance of still being alive. But no one had a pulse... no one looked to be left.

Your head held low, seeing another devastated place. More innocent lives were lost... and now you would have to carry on and try to put these images behind you. You needed rest first though. And the only palace that seemed to still be standing somewhat well... was a small home near the back of the village. You'd sleep there tonight and then head out tomorrow to where you were originally heading.

You found your way back to the house and managed to enter it. The door had fallen off and several of the walls were knocked out, leaving several wooden planks scattered about the room. But it was not caving in on itself, so it was the best and only option for a place to rest for a few hours.

You started to put your things down, only to pause when something creaked. You blinked, reaching for the blade on your hip. But it seemed you acted too late, as something hit you and sent you tumbling over.

The sword you had grabbed fell out of your hand and scattered across the room. The sounds of it being kicked away only proved to you that whoever was here wasn't human, but something else. Something... inhuman.

To make matters even worse, your other sword was caught. Your fall had landed you through one of the walls. You were unharmed for now, but your other blade was caught. Your other sword was caught in a hole and you couldn't pull it out without turning your back to the enemy. Something you knew to not do, less you had a desire to end up as a demon's dinner.

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