Ch.49 - Obnoxious

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Ch.49 - Obnoxious

He was always irritable when he woke up. But right now, he felt more irritable than he usually did. He had been sleeping peacefully and then there was a bunch of annoying noise! He didn't know what those human morons were up to... but he was about ready to give them a piece of his damn mind for disturbing his needed slumber!

"Oi!" He called out and kicked open the door on his box. "You morons want me to eat you?! Cause I fucking will if you keep waking me the hell up-!!"

He paused when he looked out at who was before him. There was the smaller demon girl... and there were three slayers. One girl and two boys... but they were not Kurokori, Deku, or the Half-and-Half. No... these were three other humans.

And he recognized two of them.

"Long time, no see, Bakugou!" The red-haired boy smiled at him and offered a hand. "Wanna come out of there and sit by the campfire with us?! Eri-chan already is!"

Bakugou smacked the hand away from him. He knew this redhead! Back with the damn poisoned mine! And that blonde idiot was with him too! As for the third human- the girl. He had never seen her before. She had brown hair and looked to be the most nervous out of all of them right now.

"Oi! The hell are you doing here?!" Bakugou hollered out and looked around. "The fuck is Kurokori?!"

"She and Todoroki and Midoriya went to get some water from the river!" The idiot blonde told him. "So they asked us to watch you and Eri-chan!"

Bakugou snarled and grabbed the door to the box. He closed it with a loud thud and let those three know he was not going to sit around a fire with them like they were all friends. He didn't even know their names! So they sure as hell were not friends!

As he sat in his little box, Bakugou tried to think of what was going on. They had all set out on a new mission and their group had even more... extras. He wanted to know what the hell this new task was and why all the added people.

So, he remained in his little box and continued to pout and sulk until he smelled that nasty flower scent. Kurokori was getting near and she would give him his damn answers. He unlocked the box, sprinted out before any of those three morons could tell he did and made a dash to Kurokori.

She was talking to those other two when he spotted her and then paused before them. Deku seemed to sense right away that he was unwanted right now and grabbed the water Kurokori had been holding and motioned for Todoroki to follow him back to camp. That left him and Kurokori on their own once more.

"Good evening!" You laughed and smiled. "You're full of energy huh?"

"The fuck is going on?!" Bakugou growled at her. "Why the hell are there three more fucks now?!"

You hummed and motioned for him to follow you. You'd tell him, but you wanted to go elsewhere where it would be better. You led him for five minutes until you arrived at a small field. You sat down and motioned for him to as well. He didn't and you didn't press him. Always such a stubborn boy.

"Todoroki-kun found us a lead, but he thought this mission might be difficult, so he asked for additional help." You told Bakugou and started to pick the flowers that were around you and twisted their stems. "So, here we are."

"A lead?" Bakugou echoed you.

"Yeah. He thinks he might have found the demon that either turned you... or has blood that can turn you back." You told him. "Lemme tell you from the top so we're all on the same page, okay?"


You groaned and leaned back in the chair. You had been working and observing things for the last few hours and your back was starting to kill you now. Your head rolled back until you could see the rest of your quarters from upside down.

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