Ch.36 - Tolerant

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Ch.36 - Tolerant

(AN- This series will be moving to bi-weekly updates, meaning one update every two weeks. My time is becoming limited and while I have every intention to continue the fic, to do so I will need to space out updates. Thank you for understanding)

"Deku-kun! Kurokori-nee-san!"

You watched with a smile as the tiny white-haired girl eagerly embraced Midoriya. The moment the door closed she had appeared and rushed towards you all. You hummed, seeing as you should let your own demon out. You put the box down and let Kacchan out of his own little protective space.

"The scary demon too!"

You sputtered in laughter at Eri's call towards the ash blonde and the frustrated face he made. He didn't yell at Eri though, seeming to strangely have a more soft and fonder side for the little girl. Maybe it was because he and Eri were in the same boat or maybe it was because like you, you wouldn't feel good yelling at such a sweet child for no reason.

"I see the three of you made it back." Aizawa spoke, coming out from further into the home. "Hizashi had sent me word, but I'm glad to see that Todoroki upheld his end of the agreement."

You nodded your head, looking at the two boys. "I'm just so grateful that you two made it out of that alive... the fail rate is..."

You couldn't finish your sentence, but it seemed both the boys understood what you were talking about. They had been the only two to make it out after all... everyone else was no longer of this world. They had made it though and now they could get out of this place and continue on their mission of helping you find the cure to demonism.

Leave all the other hashira and their young swordsman to stop whoever was doing this. The three of you had only started on this journey because of a terrible accident and one each of you wanted to find a reverse for. That was your goal after all - treatment.

"I take it that you all won't be staying for long?" Aizawa continued and the three of you gave him looks of confirmation.

"The sooner we leave the better." You told him. "This place doesn't have anything we need to help with a cure, so it'll be best for us to head back out there as soon as possible and following the leads that we have."

"And what leads do you have?"

You turned silent and the boys looked at you with frowns. Your eyes were looking down at the wooden floorboards and a single hand curled into a fist. Eri moved closer to you, taking your hand into her own and squeezing your hand tightly.

You blinked and looked at her with a sad smile. Your eyes flashed to meet emerald and scarlet and both looked at you with the same yet different looks of support. You nodded and with a sigh reached into your pocket and took out that worn journal.

"There's not many leads left in here... but there are still a few." You told Aizawa, handing him the journal.

He took it and thumbed through it. His dark eyes scanning over all the information and humming to himself. After a moment, he handed you back the journal and gave you a serious look. Aizawa turned around and disappeared for a moment before he returned with a piece of paper.

It looked to be a map and the man marked it with ink in a few places. He handed it to Midoriya and the green-haired boy took it. You peered at the map, as did Bakugou and Eri.

"If you intend to study the blood of demons and use it to find a cure, I'd expand your samples beyond the pair here," Aizawa told you. "So, if its a lack of ideas where to search for demons- I'd start with any of these locations here. They are the latest reports that we have yet to dispatch anyone to. Pick one and I'll assign you three the mission. That way you can search for your cure and do so without anyone attempting to get in your way."

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