Ch.41 - Kill-Joy

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Ch.41 - Kill-Joy

He entered the village with little resistance just like last time. The only thing that alerted him was that when he passed under the gate to enter this village something made him shiver. That gnawing feeling in his gut and the cool breeze on the back of his neck were not helpful in any way. This place had something fucked up going on and he needed to find what it fucking was and who was doing it and why.

First thing's first though- finding the bastard.

Bakugou moved to one of the villagers here and tapped on her shoulder. She turned to look at him. Just like how Deku and the Half-and-Half had been she wore a smile on her face but it was unsettling. Her eyes were empty and hollow and she looked to be waiting for him to engage with her like some kind of puppet.

Bakugou growled internally when his mind flashed to the last demon who had been a puppeteer. You were staying out of here though or at least until he figured out what the fuck was happening and could let you walk in without having to worry about your mind ending up like everyone else here.

"Oi. I'm looking for the person in charge." Bakugou asked her.

The woman nodded and pointed to a building off in the distance. "The governing man can be found there."

Bakugou moved quickly to that place. If anyone was doing this it must be some guy with a power trip and so it made sense for him to have been the one put into a position of power. Bakugou didn't knock, instead, he was kicking the door down. It fell with a loud and echoed thud and allowed Bakugou to peer into the government hall.

Only a single person sat inside this room. He was at a desk and writing something down. Bakugou marched forward ready to snag this guy by this throat but the closer he got the more he saw. The man had that blank look in his eyes, was writing scribbles, and muttering about making sure the summer festival was the best one yet.

Bakugou bit his tongue as the man looked to finally notice him. He looked human and certainly smelled human too. This guy wasn't it... so who fucking was?

"Did the doors to my office give out?" The mayor spoke and moved away from his desk. "Time to write a new order for the woodsman to building new doors for us."

Then he was back at this desk and going about his business. Bakugou's brow furrowed when he realized he was no longer seen by this man. In fact, it seemed almost like nearly every conversation he had here was stereotypical of what each occupation was supposed to be and do. And those names they kept calling one another only proved it more.

Guardsman. Cropsman. Governing Man. Each was some kind of role that the average village would have and these people had become the living embodiments of them. Plus, seeing how Deku and the Half-and-Half were more talkative and reactionary must mean they had not been under this spell for long but were slowly losing their spirit and becoming empty vessels for this play village.

"Oi." Bakugou spoke and put the box down. "You sense anything, tiny?"

Eri peeked her head out of the box and crawled out. She stood up and returned to her normal size and shook her head at Bakugou. That tiny little muzzle was in her mouth again and Bakugou scoffed. That always fucking bothered him but he never said shit about it. Just showed how much of a better carer Kurokori was to him than Deku was to the small demon.

"We're loooping around until we find the fucker then." Bakugou told her and started off once he slung the box back over his shoulders.

Eri followed after him and reached her hand out. Bakugou tensed up when he felt his hand get snagged by another and he froze in place. His gaze turned to Eri and he opened his mouth to tell her to get her hand out of his, but the words died in his throat when he saw not Eri, but you.

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