Ch.33 - Confident

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Ch.33 - Confident

How did Kurokori do this? That had been the question on his mind since the sun had come up and the demon he was traveling with had to be placed inside of his little box. For the majority of the time the sun was out, Midoriya was fine.

Nothing of note had happened and he had actually been rather calm as he walked to where Aizawa had said to go and marked on a map for him. But... that all changed as soon as golden hour hit... because he was getting hit himself.

He could tell the instant Kacchan had woken up because the demon had started kicking or hitting the side of the box that would be where his back was against. It continued for an entire hour and Midoriya was nearly at his wit's end. But yelling at Kacchan never led to anything good... so, he put up with it and tried his best to focus on what was ahead and not on what was literally behind him.

Soon enough, the sun was gone. The tones of blue had faded into brilliant oranges, soft pinks and deep reds to then shift into calm purples and finally that deep midnight black. Stars twinkled above him and looked to be casting enough light to make sure he made it to where he was heading.

Midoriya put the box on the ground and then moved to undo the latch on the door. The moment the click sound came, the door flew open and right into Midoriya's shin. The boy let out a muffled cry of pain but Bakugou paid no mind and crawled out.

"What the fuck took so long?!" Bakugou snarled, back to his regular size already.

"It's the summer Kacchan! Its lighter for longer in the day!"

Well... he had a point. One he wouldn't acknowledge, but a point nonetheless. So, Bakugou instead snatched his sun blade off of Midoriya. The blade didn't fit in the box with him, so Kurokori had been carrying his deep red blade after her flower blade had shattered. But with her in custody, stupid Deku had been carrying his blade instead.

"You better have no put even a single fucking scratch on this..." Bakugou husked out and started to examine the weapon.

"O-of course not! It was Toshinori's and if I did anything to mine or your blade... it means I would be damaging his sun blades and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did that. Not to mention he put his trust into me watching over the sun blades! I'd be the worst student if I failed-"

"Fucking hell! Stop muttering!"

"Ah! Sorry!"

The pair stared at each other, an air forming between them. One that felt familiar to both, but had not been experienced for a while. He didn't remember a lot from his human years, but he knew that anytime he would be with Deku without Kurokori... it pissed him off.

Something about the way Deku looked at him and was always near by- made him agitated. As if the damn nerd thought he couldn't take care of himself. Like he was looking down on him for a weakness he didn't have but Deku thought he did.

"Don't fucking lag behind..." Bakugou scoffed and then started to march ahead.

Midoriya frowned and looked at the ground. Still strained... even now.

He continued after the ash-blonde nonetheless, mind reflecting memories of before times. Situations like this that had been broken by a presence that both adored for different reasons. One that currently was at risk should he or Kacchan fail this.

But that wasn't an option. Kurokori had always put herself on the line for him... so now, it was his time to prove that he could help her too.

The journey was quiet. Midoriya didn't try to socialize with Bakugou and Bakugou certainly didn't try and start a conversation either. Soon enough, they were only a few kilometers from where Selection would take place. But with the sky beginning to brighten up again, Bakugou was forced back into his little box after much kicking and screaming.

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