Ch.20 - Importance

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Ch.20 - Importance

(Okay I lied... but NEXT week this series will return to Saturdays. U all can thank my job for calling me in tomorrow last minute for the early update)

He let out a cry and fell to the ground with a thud that sounded pretty uncomfortable. Midoriya groaned, looking up at the moon. Above him, you placed your sword back into its scabbard and looked at your childhood friend. Midoriya was now covered in more bruises and dark marks now than he was two hours ago. Meanwhile, you had only gotten about two or three.

"I can see how lucky we are to have Young Miss (Name) here now." Toshinori spoke from where he was sitting on the wooden deck right outside the large tea room. "It seems I've neglected properly training you for actual combat with skilled opponents, Young Midoriya."

Midoriya chuckled in embarrassment and sat up. He rubbed the back of his head before closing his eyes and shaking his head. You bent down towards Midoriya, offering him your hand. When Midoriya's eyes opened again he didn't hesitate to take your hand and allow you to help him back onto his feet. When he was, Midoriya approached his teacher with a look of gratefulness in his emerald hues.

"You've trained me to the best of what both you and I were capable of and able to do with what we have, Toshinori-sensei!" Midoriya told the older man. "But it's like you said, while I've mastered how to use your sword and also how to kill low threat demons... I need to learn how to be better! Stronger! As capable as Kurokori and Kacchan!"

Toshinori raised a brow at this. "Young Bakugou? He hasn't even picked up a sword yet."

Midoriya exhaled, a knowing look on his features before he returned his gaze to Toshinori from where it had been looking off towards the side. You stepped forward, having a feeling what Midoriya was thinking... as you too knew of Bakugou's skill.

"Most things have always come easy to Kacchan," Midoriya told his teacher. "So, I'm sure mastering his Blood Demon Art and also a nichirin blade will too."

Midoriya's gaze fell onto you next and he gave you that self-deprecating smile of his that had always made you frown. It still does so now.

"Kurokori is incredible too, isn't she, Toshinori-sensei? She learned from her parents... so she's pretty much a master, even if she's a year younger than me." He admitted as his eyes fell downwards. "You both are incredible when you put your minds to it."

Midoriya had known this since he met both of you. How amazing you both were. Kacchan was good at anything he picked up, almost right away too, while you were the type to dedicate yourself to your most important passions. In those skills... even Kacchan fell short of you.

For himself though... Midoriya couldn't really place what he had ever been good at. He had always been much more comfortable following Kurokori or Kacchan, letting one of them take the lead. He truthfully always wanted to lead an adventure or two himself growing up... but he felt like he'd fall short. Especially when it came to you two. Even now... Midoriya had a feeling he'd be the weak link between the three of you once Kacchan started his training.

"Fighting seems to fit him a little too well..." Your voice made Midoriya lift his head up and look at you. "But... you're incredible in your own rights. You have plenty in common with myself and Kacchan and skills neither of us possess."

His chest thumped and Midoriya looked at you with an expression that you knew meant he had quickly attached to whatever you were starting to say. You internally chuckled... he never changed either. Always the type to put others before himself... even when it comes to his own self-worth compared to others.

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