Ch.53 - Loathing

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Ch.53 - Loathing

They just kept coming!

One demon after another would storm towards him and he barely had time to draw his blade back and slice towards their neck before another one was on him. How long had it been now since these demons had stormed in and tried to overwhelm them? Ten minutes? Fifteen minutes? Twenty? Thirty?

Kaminari had no idea, but he knew he was getting sick of demon after demon coming toward him. Each had the same look in their eyes: hunger. But he was not going to end up as some sort of meal! But as he sliced as one and managed to behead it, Kaminari was too slow.

A demon tackled him to the ground and its clawed hand was shot toward his chest. His blade had fallen out of his hand and he couldn't reach it in time to stop this monster. Kaminari inhaled sharply and then watched as it was the demon, not him, who was torn into.

A fist had appeared in the demon's chest. That fist moved, lifting the demon and tossing him towards Kirishima who was a little ways away and waiting. Kirishima sliced its head off and Kaminari exhaled. His blade was implanted into the dirt next to him and a demon was growling up above him.

"Hurry and stand back up and fight!" Bakugou yelled at Kaminari. "We've got a shit ton more to take care of and your stupid ass better start being helpful or I'll let the next demon kill you!"

"T-That's so mean!" Kaminari called out and rose back onto his feet. "Dude why are you so mean?!"

Bakugou merely scoffed and turned to face yet another demon that was coming at them. Both of the ash blonde's hands were red and bloody and his blade had yet to be used. Bakugou had been doing most of the heavy lifting too. He'd grab demons, break them down enough for him or Kirishima to easily behead, and then repeat the actions over and over again.

He must have fought at least two dozen demons now and yet his pace was not slowing down at all. He was still full of energy and tossing demons at them. But, Bakugou didn't seem to realize that between him throwing demons ready to get their head separated from their body and other demons not yet at that stage towards them, was making the two other slayers with him very tired.

"How does he have so much energy?!" Kaminari cried and started to fight and slice once more.

"Must be a demon thing!" Kirishima hollered out and beheaded a demon that was attempting to get Kaminari from behind. "Let's just do our best to keep up!"

Kaminari grumbled but followed suit. The slicing and fighting continued on but eventually, the numbers seemed to wane out. The flood of demons had turned into a trickle and then the river had dried up entirely.

Kaminari collapsed onto his rear and looked up at the starry sky. He survived! That was always his goal and he had once more accomplished it! He inhaled and exhaled quickly a few times and looked around. No more demons were in sight, Kirishima was also trying to catch his breath, and Bakugou-

"The fuck are you two sitting around for?!" Bakugou snarled at them and pointed out into the woods. "Those fuckers came from out there! So let's go and find their damn base and murder the asshole who's in charge!"

"What?!" Kaminari snapped. "We are not doing that! We're supposed to find the guy in charge and lead him to (Name)!"

"We're also supposed to be collecting blood samples for her..." Kirishima spoke and held up the two vials he had managed to get. "There were so many demons... did either of you manage to get more blood?"

"One vial..." Kaminari frowned. "There were so many too! How did we only get three?!"

"Did you get any Bakugou?" Kirishima asked the ash blonde.

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