Ch.23- Desperation

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Ch.23- Desperation

You struggled against the demon holding you. One of the hands of the dead man they were puppeteering covered your nose and mouth and the other was running up and down your left arm. You tried to reach for one of the three blades you now carried, but the demon seemed to know what you were doing.

They even had accounted for Bakugou. At the moment he took a step forward to free you, the demon pulled a knife out of the man's pocket and held it up to your throat. Bakugou froze but his breathing only got more aggressive. His eyes were demonic once again and the ends of his ash-blonde locks had turned red and orange again.

You made eye contact with him and shook your head as best you could. Bakugou pulled back a little, but it seemed like he really was forcing himself too. How could he not be getting frustrated and fighting his urges to attack? That asshole demon was threatening to slit your throat and make you into one of their new skin puppets!

"This is particularly curious." The man spoke, vocal cords, much like his facial movements, in the realm of canny. They seemed so off, so close to being human but clearly not. "I truly thought we'd never cross paths again."

You blinked as you felt the knife move away from your throat and be placed along your arm. The demon sighed, now tracing the knife up and down your arm. Your skin wasn't cut open, but you worried it wouldn't stay this way for long. If you could get Bakugou his own Nichirin blade... then maybe he'd be quick enough to use a technique that would free you from this demon's hold.

"But-" The demon forced the dead man's voice to speak again. "I want to make sure that my memory isn't failing me like it does for so many other demons."

The knife was pushed into your skin and sliced down the inner part of your arm from just below the elbow to right before your wrist. It wasn't a deep cut by any means, but it still hurt like Hell and you knew you could be in danger of bleeding out if the demons were not tempted by your blood.

You could feel your heartbeat in your arm and fought the pain long enough to distract yourself by glancing at Bakugou. He was frozen still, not didn't look pissed off any longer. No. He looked to be holding back his own stomach. Strange. He didn't eat anything anymore. Was his brain association to blood and wisteria that strong still?

It didn't matter, as the other demon started to chuckle in satisfaction. Your breathing increased and you prepared to fight for your life here. But strangely enough... the demon instead let you go and allowed the body to fall to the ground once more. That strange lavender-blue glow was gone and now there was a growing and forming pile of blood and flesh.

When the demon finished reforming into their natural form your breathing only increased. Now it was your turn to be frozen. Bakugou was still gagging, unable to do anything thanks to the overwhelming smell of your blood. He didn't understand it. There was already so much blood here! He had been fine inhaling the foul scent until now. So why was it too much for him when your own blood was added to the mix?

"I'm so happy to see your body has taken to the treatment well enough." The demon said as her true features started to appear. "More so that you've found me again."

Your eyes widened and you shook your head. It couldn't be. This demon looked just like her. But there was no way she was a demon. But it seemed like it had to be true. This was a demon who not only looked exactly like her but in a pallet of black, reds, and greens, but also seemed to talk like she knew you.

But your mother was dead.

"And is that little, Katsuki-chan?" The demon with your mother's face asked. "He seems to have evolved further as well. Little Katsuki-chan was always a smart boy."

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