Ch.43 - Gritty

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Ch.43 - Gritty

He had to think. All he had to do was think and think of a plan and figure out how to fix all of this! It shouldn't be hard! He had always been a problem solver and a good one. So, why was he having such a hard time trying to figure out what to do right now?

Was it because he was nearly getting torn to shreds with every second? Or maybe it was that despite it all, Kacchan still terrified him to some extent. They had never been super close, but somewhat friends. Kurokori was the reason they were even still in somewhat good relations right now.

But even so, Kacchan had always been someone who tormented him, and right now... he was in a very different way.

Midoriya grabbed Eri and tossed her away from Bakugou and himself before any harm could come to her. The Midoriya raised his blade as Bakugou tried to grab him. Instead, he sliced into Bakugou's cheek and the boy jumped back and growled at Midoriya.

He was going to hold Kacchan down at the very least. He could do that much before he found the real solution that would get Bakugou back to his usual self.

Bakugou was skilled though and was proving quickly that despite Midoriya having been trained longer, Bakugou was still more naturally talented. He always was... always would be.


Midoriya's heart skipped a beat when he watched as Eri appeared before him. Bakugou had his sword in his hands and it was aimed directly at Eri's throat. Midoriya grabbed the little girl, pushed her behind him, and stuck his blade out.

The pair of metal weapons made contact and the air stilled from the impact before it flew off in different directions. Midoriya gritted his teeth and held the position as best he could. He wouldn't let Eri die... no... he wouldn't let anyone die!!

"Kacchan! Snap out of it!!!" Midoriya screamed and used all his strength.

Bakugou let out a choked cry of shock when he was sent flying. Bakugou's blade was in his hand one moment and the next, it was gone. Actually... his entire hand was. Midoriya let out a squeak when he saw what he did. He picked up the blade and then threw Bakugou's back at him.

Bakugou snarled, grabbed his hand, and looked to be attempting to reattach it as he glared Midoriya down. He was even more pissed off now... this was not good. And there were so many people around and if Todoroki woke up, he would slay Bakugou in a heartbeat.

He didn't have much time. He needed to hurry and stop Kacchan-

Midoriya heaved and raised his blade right as Bakugou lunged at him. Something struck his blade and something wet and sticky splattered across his face. A thick scent of copper and the sound of pained and angered growling from before him.

Midoriya's heart sunk, realizing what he might have just done. His eyes only confirmed what he had done and that it was in fact blood over his face. But not his blood.

Bakugou stumbled back and looked at the wound he had gotten. His hand was barely holding on, the blade having sliced it nearly all the way through. Not from Midoriya swinging it at Bakugou, but rather the amount of force Bakugou had been using in an attempt to strike and kill Midoriya.

Bakugou snarled at Midoriya and the green-haired boy's stomach only further dropped. He would be surprised to find if he even had one left after this. If he survived... seeing the expression he was getting from Bakugou was becoming further and further away from a human-like one and instead much more demonic. Bakugou was still not there and instead was some kind of animal looking down at his prey.

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