Ch.30 - Disapproval

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Ch.30 - Disapproval

"Well... we were heading here to begin with."

"I don't think there is really any brightside to this, Kurokori."

The teen in front of you and your childhood friend paused and looked at the pair of you. Your wrists were bound and the boxes with the demons were wrapped up in chains. The pair of humans that carried them had mentioned three nights ago to not come out and wait until they said it was safe. The two had been cooperating with him, letting the bi-colored teen know that both really were sympathetic to demons.

He didn't have much of an opinion on it. He was only sent out after these two because he wanted to get away from his father for a few days. But alas, even he had to return and see what new mission he could grab onto next to get him away for another few days.

"We're almost there." He told the pair and started to walk once more.

Midoriya and you nodded to one another and did as told. You were not worried. Your family had ties. Once you explained everything then the air would be cleared and the Corps should back off and allow you and Midoriya to continue on. Maybe even give you support in the monetary variety since you were looking for an effective cure for demonism. Once the Hashira recognized you and you all had a good laugh about this then you'd continue your quest.

A small village came into view. It looked to hold numerous homes that were the same if not bigger than Toshinori's home. Members of the Slayer Corps who were part of the internal order or clean-up dashed about on the streets once your group hit the village. Some paused to look at you all, others paid you no mind at all. A few people peered out of windows, all slayers, and looked at you and Midoriya before giving hard looks and whispering among each other.

You blinked as a flash of red and yellow was seen in the corner of your eyes. You turned and saw Kirishima and Kaminari. They looked shocked to see you here and being escorted like a prisoner. Kirishima started to open his mouth and Kaminari looked ready to storm forward.

You met both of their eyes and they stopped. You nodded at them and then continued on towards the capitol building. You had already dragged poor Midoriya into your mess and therefore didn't want to bring two more along with you if this was the welcome you were getting from the members of this Slayer village.

The boy with strange red and white hair paused before a great set of doors. Two members dressed from head to toe in black stiffened when they saw him and immediately opened the doors. He led you and your childhood friend inside and the doors shut with an echoing thud.

The home was dark and cold, but you were not inside of it for long. You and Midoriya were pushed out onto what appeared to be a rock garden. The pebbles were white and surrounded a few trees and flowers. Butterflies fluttered from flower to flower and a group of people ceased their talking when they saw that two new people had arrived at the meeting.

"I've brought them." The teen spoke looking directly at a tall man with red hair and cerulean blue eyes. "Now don't pester me with running your errands."

"Shouto-" The man started but the teen huffed and walked away.

The door back inside of the house slid shut with a loud sound and the silence that came, as a result, made Midoriya shiver. He looked at you and you gave him a reassuring nod. Your gaze flickered to the nine Hashira around you and you started to look for the ones who would know you.

You knew of Todoroki Enji, but he and your family had never gotten along. He no doubt didn't recognize you since he seemed to be more concerned by who you now knew was his son, Shouto.

Your eyes moved to the next one. A younger man, much younger. He had dusty-blonde hair with light facial hair. He looked intrigued by the sudden appearance of you and Midoriya but didn't say anything. He looked more like he wanted to go and relax in a hot spring if you thought so yourself.

Next to him was a woman. She looked to be taking the pair of you in as well but seemed to be with amused disbelief. A small rabbit's foot hung off her scabbard and she had long white hair.

A pair of men next. One with dark black hair who looked past the point of exhaustion. He seemed to be looking more at Midoriya than you. Despite this, the dark-haired man also had a man with bright blonde hair trying to get his attention. He was loud. Loud enough that you could hear him from where you stood.

A woman with dark black hair laughed next to the pair. Her blade had its handguard in the shape of a heart. Her attire was definitely something that didn't leave much to the imagination. She seemed to be confident in her attire though, and you both envied and appreciated that.

Another woman with long blonde hair. She looked slightly annoyed to be here but your attention was drawn to the snake hairpiece that was holding her long hair upwards. You could easily guess what sort of breathing style she had from that hairpiece alone.

There seemed to be a lot of blondes in the Hashiras, as the last two were also blonde. A man who only had the upper parts of his face seen. He was giving you and Midoriya a long look but neither of you could tell what the look meant since the lower half of his face blocked out any way to see how he was feeling.

Finally was the last hashira. Half her face was covered by a sort of eyepiece and her attire was a long and flowing dress. It seemed that she still had a sword though making you hope she wore something a bit more practical when facing demons. She was looking at you and Midoriya, a frown on her features, but you didn't yet know who it was meant for or why.

You blinked and inhaled sharply. Where were the other hashira? The ones who knew you? You only... recognized Todoroki Enji. No. There were four total counting him who knew you and your parents. It couldn't be... was the last time you were here also the last time you'd ever seen them?

"So these are the apparent demon sympathizers." The woman with white hair spoke and came closer to you and Midoriya.

"They are mere children." The woman with an eyepiece commented.

"It seems they are." The white hair one chuckled.

You watched as she grabbed the box on Midoriya and then pushed him to the ground. The arm straps tore instantly and Midoriya collided with the rocks. You stepped forward to help him and get Eri back, but a blade was now suddenly at your throat.

"Easy now." The youngest-looking hashira told you. "I'd like it if we solved this without any problems."

His green blade reflected the sun into your eyes and the tip of his blade was right near your neck. You inhaled slowly and ran through ideas in your head. There had to be something to do. Something that would get you and Midoriya out of here safely now seeing that a new era of Hashira was here.

"There's two pairs of them, huh?" The white-haired woman spoke, tossing the box she ripped from Midoriya across the rocks.

It stopped skidding when the man with long black hair stopped it. You didn't notice though, as now, the white haired woman was coming for the box on your back. You glared at her. There was no way. She was not taking Kacchan from you and they were not taking Eri from Midoriya. Not even for a minute- no a second!

"Your turn, kid." She told you and grabbed at your box.

You ducked and hit the rock. You bounced back and moved out of their reach. You huffed, seeing as the majority of them had drawn blades now and were ready to engage with you. You bit your lip and motioned towards Midoriya.

"Give him Eri back." You told them. "She hasn't done anything wrong! And neither has Kacchan or Deku, or me!"

"Your harboring a demon." The woman with the snake hairpiece told you. "That is enough of a reason to separate you all and allow us to deal with the demons how all should be dealt with."

"I would be more concerned about what might become of you, young lady." The blonde man with only his eyes showing spoke to you. "And your fellow sympathizer friend."

You watched as the white-haired woman pushed Midoriya further down into the rock. He groaned but made eye contact with you. You understood and inhaled slowly. You put your hands up and moved back towards them all. They all moved to place their swords back into their scabbards and when they did you rushed forward.

Your hands stretched out to Eri's box and you inhaled. You might need a technique... you might need to try your hand against several hashira too.

Your hands met cool wood and you started to pull away with the box. You had just stood up when you noticed a blade getting swung towards you. A trail of fire coming with it. You inhaled as it sliced not only the back of your shirt open, but also separated the box from you.

Todoroki Enji gave you a hard stare and held your box right before you. You huffed and attempted to reach him. He watched as you did so and raised a brow. You of course didn't get far, with the younger-looking Hashira hitting your back with the dull side of his blade and making you fall to the rocks as well.

"Kurokori!" Midoriya screamed out at you but was unable to reach you thanks to the white-haired woman holding him down still.

"You two are something else." The Hashira with a heart-shaped handguard gushed.

"They've got spirit! Even if it's used to defend demons!" The loud blonde man agreed with his gushing ally.

"I still can't believe that there are demons inside of those boxes." The woman with the eyepiece shook her head.

"Give them back!" You tried again and were further pushed into the ground.

You let out a painful gasp and noticed how the box in Todoroki's hands shook slightly. Your eyes widened and you knew he was about to do something reckless to try and help you. So as you started to notice the box open you screamed at him.

"Kacchan! I'm fine! Stay in there!"

The door stopped opening, but now he had caught the attention of the man who was holding his box. Enji glanced towards the home and walked towards it. He slid open the door and tossed the box inside. Inside of the shade and away from the sun... what was Todoroki Enji planning?

"If the demon wants to come out... then he should be allowed to." Enji spoke and watched as the top of the box opened.

"Kacc-" You started but were slammed into the rocks again.

That last cry seemed to have done it and now Bakugou had emerged and was storming towards you all. He knew he couldn't go into the sun.... But maybe his Blood Demon Art could blow up some of these assholes? Yeah... he was going to try that.

"Kacchan! Stop-" Midoriya also tried but was also silenced.

Bakugou paused and looked out at the people around him. He snarled, features demonic, and no doubt not helping his or any of your cases. He used his sharp nails to puncture his skin and his blood started to pool in his hands.

He started to move his hand upwards but stopped suddenly. He then lowered his hand and lowered his head. These asswipes had you and shitty Deku held down and blades close enough to easily slice your necks open. Eri was still out in the open among three of these bastards. Even if he attacked... it wasn't guaranteed that he would save any of you.

His hands fell towards his side and he inhaled and exhaled sharply a few times. When he looked up again, the hashira were greeted by a demon who looked more human than demon. His ash-blonde locks no longer had the orange and red tips and his carmine eyes were human-like.

"Let the three of them go before you fucking regret it!" He demanded and tried to control every urge to tear them all apart.

Silence fell, but it seemed that one hashira had seen enough. He picked up Eri's box and walked towards Bakugou. He handed the box to him and Bakugou was shocked. He instantly grabbed Eri and put her into the darkroom as well. He tapped her box and her little head poked out a moment later.

"Aizawa? What are you doing?" The dark-haired woman looked shocked. "Now isn't the time to fall in line with the youth!"

Aizawa sighed and approached the white-haired woman. She gave him a questioning look but after a long stare from him, Midoriya was let up. Aizawa motioned for him to also hurry inside by the demons. Midoriya's eyes widened when he saw the man and did as told instantly.

You were now the only one left and Enji and the younger slayer looked to not be as affected by Aizawa as the others had been. Or that was what you assumed.

"Takami." Aizawa said and the younger hashira sighed.

"Alright I get it. No use bullying a kid, right?" Takami chuckled and let you go.

Before you could get over to the others though, Enji grabbed you and kept you near him. Aizawa and Enji looked at one another, each waiting for the other to break.

"In terms of rank... I am the strongest hashira here." Enji warned him. "So explain yourself, Aizawa."

Aizawa glanced at the three in the dark space. He sighed and looked at his fellow hashira.

"The green-haired boy and the white-haired demon. I've met them both before. I sent them to see Toshinori. I thought it was best seeing as Eri didn't want to eat people. I assume it's a similar situation for the blonde demon and the girl you've decided to rough up." Aizawa spoke and everyone around him looked shocked.

"Toshinori? He's still alive? He disappeared years ago."

"He was done slaying and wanted to live out his days in solitude... but I guess he's been helping demons fight off their urges too."

"We don't know that for sure. It could be a trick."

"There's only one way to know for sure." Enji hummed and forced you up onto your feet. "A reaction is the best way to tell."

You watched in shock as Enji raised the blade and pointed it towards your shoulder. His cerulean eyes landed on the blonde demon. Bakugou was tensing up, seeing the blade by your shoulder. His breathing was picking up again and his demonic traits were starting to come out again.

"Kacchan! Calm down!" You called out to him. "I'll be fine-"

You choked on air as you felt something sharp make contact with your shoulder. The air instantly filled with the smell of blood and drops of it fell between you and Enji. Your mouth was closed to not give out any cries that would spark Kacchan off.

It seemed futile though. Your eyes met his and you begged him to hold back. To let it happen. To let things continue on by him allowing this to happen. But you knew Kacchan. And you knew that in the next moment... everything you worked for might as well be over.

Your eyes closed and tears prickled. After everything... would it really end here? Among the people you thought would help you? Watching as Kacchan died again? And then Eri before they decided if you or Midoriya would go next and then kill the last of you.

Blood trickled down your back and you forced yourself to not open your eyes. You didn't want to see what was going to happen. You didn't want to lose him again or witness it happening.

"I said to fucking let her go, you bastard!!" Bakugou yelled out.

The sounds of movement, followed by Bakugou hissing. Dead quiet followed and your heart sunk. No one spoke and you fell into a similar quiet. Your head fell down and you felt the tears finally fall down your cheeks.

"Stop it, Kacchan!"

You lifted your head up and saw that Midoriya, who was still bound at his wrists had tackled Bakugou to the ground at a mere pace away from the sunlight. Eri was crying herself, the situation only making her emotions grow.

"Get fucking off me!" Bakugou yelled. "I'm getting her back!"

"You'll get us all killed! Calm down!" Midoriya ordered him.

"Shut up, Deku!"

"No! You need to stop yelling, Kacchan!"

You watched the pair of boys as they suddenly started to fight each other right then and there. This really was a display, one that not even you expected. Bakugou kicked Midoriya away, but the boy refused to go down. Midoriya jumped up towards Bakugou and slammed his forehead against Bakugou's. Both let out a gasp of pain and fell to the ground. Each rolled over and groaned.

Enji huffed. "I've seen enough. I think I know what's fitting for all of you and what you've done."

The four of you looked at Enji and waited to hear his judgment. The other hashira too looked interested in what was about to be said. The next words spoken after all... would determine your fate.

Arc One: Reunion has now concluded

Arc Two: Trust is set to begin in February 2022. 

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