Ch.54 - Anguish

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Ch.54 - Anguish

"Midoriya!!" Todoroki screamed and sliced at another demon's throat.

Todoroki managed to behead it, but his attention was still on Midoriya and trying to clear a path for him. These demons had come out of nowhere and while Todoroki had been swarmed by demons, one, in particular, had jumped onto Midoriya and shoved him onto the ground. She was holding him down and refusing to let him go.

Drool leaked from her mouth and onto Midoriya's face. The demon looked gleeful and her long hair tickled Midoriya's face. But Midoriya was too busy trying to remove her hand from his shoulder to notice the feeling. Especially since this demon had impaled his shoulder with her hand.

"I can see and smell your strength." She told him and lowered her face towards Midoriya's face. "How about a deal? Let me consume you... and I'll grant you immortality. You'll live beyond that of a human and with strength and power much greater too. You'll also serve as my guard, but you'll still have power and ever lasting life. So what do you say? Let me feast on you and kill you? Or feast on you and revive you? Pick, boy."

"Deku-san!" Eri cried out.

She couldn't get to him though since she had been next to Todoroki when these demons attacked. Eri let out a gasp when Todoroki was tackled to the ground by two big demons and held down. Eri looked around and started to breathe quickly.

What was she supposed to do? Should she help Todoroki? Deku? Find help? The demons were ignoring her and focusing on the boys... what should she do?!

"So are you the fucker in charge?!"

Eri looked up in time to see Bakugou land before her and throw the demons off Todoroki with a blast of his Blood Demon Art. The ash blonde growled and looked at the demon holding down his childhood friend. He had rushed ahead of the others and it looked like that was a good decision since Deku was about to fucking eat it...

"Kacchan!" Midoriya called out in a startled tone.

Bakugou ignored the smaller boy's cries and instead focused on the demon in front of him. He could see the fucker now and his body ached to continue the fight. He was going to take this fuck down and-

Bakugou's carmine eyes locked onto the demon in front of him and his body became stiff. His hands, still bleeding from using his Blood Demon Art so much, were gripping his skin even tighter and making more blood pour out from them. The demon before him looked at him and slowly started to have realization cross over his features.

"Oh. Its been a while since I saw you." The demon chuckled and moved her hair behind her. "You seem to be as much more of a nuisance as a demon than as a human. Pity... you would have made such an excellent servant under me. I should have stuck around longer if it meant I would have gotten you on my side. But the slayers are always on my trail and as a result, you've become a pawn for them, haven't you? Then again... you did try to remove my eye and I killed you as a result of your rude behavior."

Bakugou's lips were clenched closed and he tried to move, speak, do anything! And yet, the longer he looked at this woman, the more he started to remember. That night in particular and the person who had done this to him.

It all became clear to him once more.


It was damn freezing out. His mother had to have done this on purpose. Sending him out on an errand when it was snowing and getting dark! Did she have a death wish for him? She must have... since she knew how much he hated the cold.

But, he had completed the errand and was making his way back to his home right now. Though, it wouldn't be his home much longer. Kurokori was due back any day now and when she got here he was going to honor their betrothment as quickly as he could and then move out of his parent's home and into a home with her.

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