Ch.24- Resentment

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Ch.24- Resentment

You heaved, trying to ignore how you could feel liquid running down your arm. In front of you, Bakugou's own blood was covering his hands. His blood looking ready to ignite should your mother give him a reason to once more.

"Cover that damn cut." He snapped at you. "You're Goddamn walking wisteria poison. Cover that arm before you bleed out and I end up getting poisoned!"

You snapped back at the desperate tone of this voice. Your hands reached for a woman who was fallen by you. You sent a quick prayer and apology in your head as you ripped off part of her kimono and started to use it as a makeshift bandage. It just had to keep your blood inside of you... that's all it had to do while you dealt with your mother.

"So you two really do want to fight, huh?" Your mother's expression fell. "Fine. I'll make sure to draw out the ends of you both like poison would: slow and painfully."

She rushed forward, fingers stabbing into her hand and she flicked it forward. Droplets of her blood landed on the bodies around her and on your own cheek. Bakugou snarled, seeing demon blood getting close to your open wound. There was no way in hell he was letting you become like him.

This existence was hell. This feeling of crushing lack of identity. This feeling of always being so close to knowing who he was, but unable to cross that final gap.

You were not going to experience that. No. He and you were going to defeat your mother and you were going to make him human again! What you two did when he was one again... would be decided and lived out when he was human. Until then, his only goal was becoming human again and protecting you. Both were needed and he refused to only take one over the other. He was getting both and anything that stood in his way was going to regret it.

"Take mine and use it!" Bakugou yelled at you and dropped his Nichirin blade at your feet. "I'm dealing with this bitch with my own Demon Blood Art!"

Your eyes widened as Bakugou took off for your mother, hands starting to catch and a dark look in his eyes. Your heart beat faster as you watched him ignite his explosive blood, only for your mother to reach out through the smoke and grab onto him.

"You are as violent as always, Katsuki-chan." Your mother seethed and thrust her hand into his shoulder. "This is why I had always prayed for Izuku-chan to be the one to take (Name)'s hand... but it was you: a vile, vicious, callous, and self absorbed boy who never knew and never will know what it means to be in love... because you've always lacked the basic trait of empathy and sympathy for others! You were a demon before you actually became one."

Bakugou gritted his teeth only to yell out in pain. Your mother smirked as she pulled out several tendons and muscles from his shoulder. Blood sprayed out of the wound and your mother simply licked away the blood. She chuckled softly and wiped Bakugou's only blood onto his face as she continued to pull his shoulder apart from the inside with her other hand.

"Demons and humans always have different tastes... but you taste like the best parts of you. It looks like my ideas of a cure only made you more delictable to demons." Your mother cooed and lowered her mouth towards Bakugou's neck. "It's almost sweet. The taste of your blood. Like the ripest berries of the season. Juicy and sweet and addicting."

"Get away from him!"

Your mother looked up as a familiar blade swung towards her. She chuckled as she jumped back and watched you now being the one to stand before your fallen friend. She gave you a knowing look and made it a point to lick the fingers that had just been used to rip Bakugou's muscles out of him.

Slayed Hearts (Demon Slayer AU - Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now