Ch.59 - Naive

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Ch.59 - Naive

"What... do you mean?"

Your voice was ghostly. Fragile. Brittle.

Your eyes reflected the same sentiment as they stared at the ash blonde across from you. Your brows knit together, trying to figure out how you had just misheard him. But deep down, you knew you had not misheard him. After so long and so much work, you had heard him tell you that he might not want to be a human or return to being one.

"I just said it." He huffed out and crossed his arms. "I wanna stay like this... and I want you to join me."

You shook your head. "Katsuki... do you even have any idea what you're saying?"

"Of course I fucking do!"

"Then you must have lost it!" Your voice raised at him. "W-Why would you want to stay as a demon?! Do you have any idea how dangerous that is? Do you have any idea the kind of torture that will be froe you mentally?!"

"Torture?" He gritted his teeth. "What fucking torture?! I'm strong as hell! Can't be killed unless its the sun, wisteria or a slayer- three things I can avoid! And I don't have to worry about death or illness or any of the fucking pathetic human shit!!"

"So you want to watch as everyone else around you ages? Watch as they all start families and grow old and live out their lives. You'd be the same! You would stay the same too! No changing! Only as you are right now for as long as you stay this way! You want to stay as a seventeen-year-old forever?!"

"If that's the fucking cost of staying as a demon... then it ain't that fucking bad!" He shouted at you. "And you'd be with me! We'd both be demons and could be together and would stay together as-"

"No." You cut him off and shook your head. "No. We wouldn't."

"Huh?" He looked at you in confusion. "The hell... are you saying?"

"I'm not going to become a demon. I can't-"

"Yeah you can!" Bakugou urged you, something in his tone shifted into what sounded like desperation. "I have that fucker's blood in me, that's how I ended up as a demon! So... that means that I should have the ability to also turn humans! I could turn you and help you not get tempted by human blood and flesh like you did for me and we could-"

"That's not the issue!" You yelled back and liquid pooled at the corners of your eyes. "I'm not talking about if you'd be able to turn me, Katsuki! I'm talking about how I don't want to be turned!"

"You don't want to be turned?!" He chuckled at you as a smirk came onto his face. "Don't be fucking ridiculous! Why wouldn't you want to?! Come on, (Name). Stop fucking around with me... I'm gonna be pissed off in another few minutes if you don't stop it..."

"I'm not messing around with you, Katsuki..." You told him and wiped at your eyes. "I don't want to be a-"

"I said to stop fucking messing with me!" He raised his voice over yours. "We both want to be together! So quit trying to mess with me! Come on! You're fucking smart! You have to see that this is the best option for the two of us!"

Your form tensed up and his eyes widened slightly. He sucked on his teeth and then reached out for you. He grabbed you and pulled you towards him. His hand on your wrist was tight and you felt the blood circulation get cut off. He was holding onto your wrist so harshly that the skin around your wrist and hand was already turning deathly pale.

"Don't be a fucking baby." He scolded you and moved his free hand towards his arm holding you.

He allowed one of his sharp nails to puncture the skin and blood bubbled out in a tiny drop. He scooped it up on his finger and moved towards your skin. Your eyes widened when you realized what he was doing and you immediately reacted. Your hand flew up and made contact with him. It was a hard enough slap to not only make him let you go but also leave a red mark against his face.

Slayed Hearts (Demon Slayer AU - Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now