Ch.35 - Faithful

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Ch.35 - Faithful

"It looks like we have less of a turnout than usual." The blonde hashira spoke, gazing out at the Selection candidates who had made it through and returned to this meeting point.

It had been three days of hell: demons, other candidates, trying to work together. It had all been stressful and exhausting but they had made it out and were standing before the hashira who had sent them in those days ago.

Only two were now standing in this courtyard. The moon was high above them all and allowing dim light to cast over the human and demon who made it through. No one else... came out of the wisteria surrounded mountain.

"We usually have you guys pick material for a sword of your own, but I have a feeling you're both rather privy to the ones you already have, huh?" The hashira asked.

Neither Bakugou nor Midoriya responded, but their hardened gazes told the blonde man all he needed to know. They had made it through that trial and prived themselves worthy of not only the blades they were given but the trust of the Corps as well. Even if the man knew a few would still be wary of this strange group, they had done what was asked of them and survived.

They had shown they were capable of fighting for humanity, even if one of the pair wasn't a human himself.

He chuckled loudly and then made his way to the pair of boys. Without warning, he slammed his hands onto each of their back respectfully. He must have been trying to give them a congratulatory pat on the back, but it only resulted in the pair getting the wind knocked out of them.

For a moment each forgot to keep up with their breathing styles, as they had gotten used to doing constantly thanks to training with Toshinori. Once the man's pat of assault ceased, they picked back up on it and then looked at the hashira with gazes of urgency.

He nodded. "I know. We'll head back."

"Thank you... um..." Midoriya paused and looked puzzled.

"Hizashi. I'm a close friend of Shouta." The hashira told the pair and both watched as a raven landed on a branch above the man. "I'll send him word that you two made it... that way Todoroki can have your friends ready to be released when you arrive."

With that, Hizashi motioned for the pair of boys to follow them and they did so. Midoriya turned to give the courtyard one final glance and he felt his heart drop. All those other kids who had been here at the start... if they weren't here, then it meant that-

Midoriya's gaze cast to Bakugou. His gaze was focused on what was ahead of them and Midoriya too focused on that and not what had passed. Kurokori was waiting and he needed to focus on her and her safety over people he didn't know. Even if the thought of what happened to them all made him feel sick.

He wasn't the only one who thought so, but unlike Midoriya... he was better at hiding how he felt underneath his tough front.

There was someone more important to him waiting after all and thus, he paid little attention to what had occurred. He and Deku survived and he'd be damned if he let anything else stop him from getting his betrothed back.

It took another couple of days to make their way back, but they did. It was mid-afternoon when the slayer capital was reached. Midoriya watched as Hizashi motioned toward a large house in the distance. He nodded and made his way towards it. The green-haired boy inhaled sharply and for once was thankful for the sudden strike against his back from the demon inside of the box.

Kurokori was within reach... he just needed to get inside and show Todoroki Enji that they had completed what had been asked of them. So with quick steps and rapid knocking, Midoriya stood on the stoop of the home and waited.

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