Ch.28- Sacrifice

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Ch.28- Sacrifice

He gripped the syringe tightly and looked towards your form. Your features had become that much more demonic. He needed to do this and quick... or he'd really lose you. Midoriya still stood close by him, ready to attack or defend them both on what your mother did next.

"We need a fucking opening..." Bakugou exhaled and looked around. "So... don't fucking mess up here, Deku!"

Midoriya blinked, and his eyes widened. "Kacchan... are you-"

"I fucking want Kurokori back more than anything... so don't fucking make me regret or even say that I'm willingly to not and let you have my back right now!!" He yelled back at Midoriya. "Goddamn situation making me fucking trust you of all people..."

Midoriya exhaled and formed his stance. Bakugou too got ready, aiming the needle towards you and gripping it tightly. He couldn't believe he was fucking leaving this shit up to Deku... but he needed to focus on getting this injected into you. So, his entire defense was going to be on the anxious nerd just behind him.

"Sun Breathing." Midoriya exhaled and then burst forward at a high speed. "Fake Rainbow!"

Your mother watched Midoriya but realized that those figures were nothing more than after images. The boy was moving so fast that even her heightened sense of sight was having a hard time keeping up with him. So she rose her blade up and waited for when the boy would go in for his attack.

"Sun Breathing." Midoriya's voice came back once more. "Solar Heat Haze!!"

Midoriya thrust his blade forward and skidded from before your mother to behind her. He landed and wheezed, the pair of techniques having drained him. Your mother breathed in and out and then chuckled.

"You have the movements down... but it appears your aim-"

She didn't get the chance to finish as suddenly a dozen tiny slashes appeared all along your joints. None would kill you, but they would make it hard to move or attack with speed. Your mother was making your face look shocked. She was sure he missed! What kind of technique was that?! How did it land so many times when she was sure it missed?!

"Kacchan!" Midoriya screamed out, seeing as now was the moment.

"I fucking know!" Bakugou cried and appeared right before you faster than even Midoriya had.

He thrust the needle forward and punctured your left shoulder with it. Your eyes widened and your mother swung her blade forward. Bakugou choked but refused to stop here. Even if he had a Nichirin blade inside of himself and drifted more and more across his neck... he would not pull away if all he had to do was push this substance inside of you!

"Stay fucking dead this time!" Bakugou yelled out as the blade was halfway through his neck.

"No! I am not going anywhere!" Your mother's words and your desperate tone didn't stop Bakugou.

The serum was emptied into you, and Bakugou allowed it to break on the ground. His hands now going to hold back his own blade. The slash was now at a standstill, but slowly he was overpowering your mother. She was actually growing quite weak.

Your eyes widened, and you let out a deeply pained scream. Dark pink colored lines grew across your body and then suddenly you stilled and quieted down. All demonic features were erased from you instantly and your normal eyes came back after a simple blink.

Your form fell forward and Bakugou reached forward. He wrapped you up in his arms and breathed in heavily. The sword had been removed, but now he was bleeding more than he should be. He didn't care or care to notice, though.

Slayed Hearts (Demon Slayer AU - Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now