Ch.60 - Content

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Ch.60 - Content

Snow crunched underneath your feet as you made your way home. The blizzard had finally let up enough to let you finally wander home from Deku's house. Your nose was numb and you hoped that come tomorrow you wouldn't be dealing with it being runny. Your breath was seen as you exhaled and paused in your stride. Your eyes glanced upwards and you saw the clouds above you. Snow danced around your eyes; some landed on your lashes, making you shiver even more.

The winter had come in strong this year and you wondered when you'd be able to see the starry sky again. With a huff, you allowed the thought to leave your mind as you paced back home. The village was quiet but the lights in windows and the distant sound of laughter and voices inside the buildings let you know that this place was no longer empty and devoid of life.

Ever since the Slayer Corps had found a way to mass produce your cure, they had switched from slaying demons to trying to administer it to any demons they came across. Similarly to wisteria, so long as the cure was able to get onto the skin of a demon, it would act. Therefore, a lot of slayers had started to put the liquid inside their scabbards so their swords were coated in the cure when they would run into the creatures of the night. Then when a demon was found, they would simply gently cut into them at a place on their body that wouldn't be vital and watch as the demon virus inside of them was eradicated.

Once the demon was human again, it was a bit of a long process until they felt and acted completely human once more, but they would always manage to get to that point after about four to six months. Then, they would end up here.

The place you had always called home- now rebuild and being used as a place for former demons and retired slayers to spend their time. Though most of the former demons would eventually leave after another six months, most of the slayers remained here. This village had once been a place for normality and the bliss it came with, but now, even with the sense of serenity still here, it was a place that represented change and growth. It was the place that many would come to finally relax at. Their job of hunting and now curing demons was done and the former slayers were ready to get their lives back.

You couldn't exactly recall when or how this place ended up as a sanctuary, but it had. You had just thought that you and Deku would be here and slowly trying to repopulate the place, but you had ended up with a lively village quickly. You were thrilled to see it. You wanted... this peaceful life back and now it looked like you had it.

You approached your home and opened the door after messing with the lock and key for a few moments. You had decided to move down to the actual village this time rather than rebuild your childhood home that had been above the village on the mountainside. Though, you would admit that your childhood home had a great view of the village. And yet, you found yourself no longer seeing that as a needed aspect of your home. You were ready to be part of the community and now you had a home right in the center of said village. And with a large house to boot.

The warmth of your home was so nice and you immediately exhaled. You allowed that warmth to consume you for a few moments before you started to take off your layers. The house was quiet though. Making you frown when you remembered why.

It was only you here after all.

For as close as Deku was, literally two houses down, you always were given back to the desolate isolation of your home when you returned. You spent much of your day out and around the village. Sometimes it would be to help Midoriya with the daily management of your village. Other times it was to help newcomers get comfortable. Today had been one of those days, seeing as Kirishima and Kaminari had decided to retire here as well. You had gotten them both situated and shown them around the village before letting them get situated in their new living quarters.

Slayed Hearts (Demon Slayer AU - Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now