Ch.27- Out-of-Control

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Ch.27- Out-of-Control

(AN- Early Update cause I'm working 9am-9pm tomorrow... wish me luck guys~)

If he could knock you off your feet for just a moment, he could rip that syringe from your bag or even the entire bag. So that was the plan right now. Somehow get your mother to let her guard down for him or shitty Deku to get the serum. They could worry about how to inject you with it after they had the serum. One step at a time and he had a feeling he'd always been the type to be diligent in everything he did, so this was no exception.

He glanced beside him and saw that the green-haired boy next to him was waiting for his lead. Bakugou clicked his tongue. Stupid idiot relied on him too much- something that he also had a feeling wasn't new. Even so, Bakugou and Midoriya were two and your mother was one. They outnumbered her and Bakugou knew that it was good that Midoriya had followed him and you this far out.

"Kacchan." Midoriya spoke and Bakugou nodded.

"Get the syringe and don't get yourself, me or Kurokori killed." He snarled at Midoriya. "Think you can fucking handle that much, Deku?!"

Midoriya inhaled sharply and gave Bakugou a confident nod. With that, Bakugou took off towards your form that was currently not in your control. His red blade in his hand and his grip tightening as he started to ready an attack. He had two abilities here: swordsmanship and Blood Demon Art. He needed to be able to make your mother go on the edge for what one he might be using.

"You've always been one to charge head first without much care for risk or injury, Katsuki-chan." Your voice spoke and you chuckled. "Even now... it seems that your as immature and thickheaded as the little seven year old from years ago."

Your own body moved into a stance and the ground beneath your feet cracked from the pressure you were building up. Your mother was preparing quite the attack, that much was clear. With a single inhale, your form took off towards Bakugou. The poisoned tipped blade was the main focus on his mind as you neared him directly.

"Flame Breathing-" He started ready to send a powerful single slash towards the ground to trip you up.

But had had to stop as suddenly you were moving in random zig-zags around him. Bakugou's carmine eyes tried to follow you but the technique your mother was building up with your form was making it extremely difficult.

The movement cracked the ground into dust everywhere you stepped and you'd disappear from his sight quicker than he liked. Bakugou tried to focus and keep up with you, but he couldn't. Your speed was too fast. Between the skills of a veteran slayer in both yourself and your form and your mother along with the demonic powers... it was near impossible to catch up and see you.

And as much as he hated to admit it... he was still new at not only using his Blood Demon Art but also in how to use the Flame Breathing he was taught. He could attack just fine. He always excelled at attacking since he had reawoken... but defending was something that he needed to work on.

At this very moment, however, it was clear that he might have stepped into a situation that was more dangerous than he knew. Especially when your form was suddenly before him and the blade tipped with wisteria was right before his neck. Your face was displaying a dark and excited smile, something that did not belong on your face and made you not look like the girl who his heart was attached to.

"Allow me to show you Insect Breathing's strongest technique, Katsuki-chan." Your cool voice spoke. "Dance of the Centipede: Hundred-Legged Zigzag!"

Bakugou inhaled and raised his hands forward. Blood was still on his palms and he could feel his Blood Demon Art start to activate as he tried to get the blast detonated before he was poisoned. He was too slow though and your mother was much too skilled in both her Breathing Style and in her demon abilities.

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