Ch.47 - Desire

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Ch.47 - Desire

You had made quite a bit of progress these last few weeks. Time seemed to flow by quickly and you soon realized a month had passed. From studying the blood samples you had received or retrieved, to training to make sure your skills stayed intact, to helping out around Aizawa-sensei's place you had kept busy.

Despite being busy, you still did your best to take care of yourself. And the times where you didn't you woke up from your sudden slumber with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders, the curtains blocking out the sun, and an ash-blonde sleeping quietly in the cool shadows in the room.

You'd always put the blanket on him when you woke up and then jumped right back into things. Today was no different. You had stayed up very late last night and woke up when the first rays of sunlight were coming through or from what you could tell from the slight peeks of light that came in through the side.

Bakugou was sleeping away, looking to have made the space under the bed his area. You understood it since it was dark and cool down there. He at least had enough foresight to lay a futon down there with him so he wasn't laying on the wood and possibly hurting his back. He was sleeping soundly and you bent down and put the blanket onto him. You sighed and watched him for a few moments.

New anxiety had risen within you lately and it revolved around him. Time was passing by quickly and you feared that any more that passed by would further divide the pair of you. You both still looked the same age, but you knew that more wasted time would end with him staying youthful while you hit your early twenties and beyond. You wanted this to be over with and wanted to go back to sleeping at regular hours with him.

But that wasn't your life and all you could do was aim for it to become that. So, if a huff, you turned back to your little research area and continued to examine the blood. You had made a lot of progress but today would be when you'd confirm it.

You had assumed all demon blood looked the same as that was what you had seen thus far. But the blood you had gotten from the demon who attempted to play house with that entire village was different. The particles in his blood differed from Bakugou and Eri's and you could only make educated assumptions.

So, as Midoriya and Todoroki had gone out on small missions to just make sure no demons were lurking around nearby villages this last month, you had asked them to bring back as many samples as possible. They had delivered to you and your guesses narrowed down to one theory.

Demon blood was all unique.

You didn't know how you missed it before, but you were able to see it now. The blood cells all appeared the same, but the way they acted and reacted showed those differences. For example, when you exposed Eri or Bakugou's blood to wisteria, both of their cells would attempt to fight off the poison before succumbing to it. Other blood would try to absorb it or even adapt to it, but all failed in the end. But why was this important? Because when those cells died it revealed something unseen.

Bakugou and Eri's blood had small dried-up specks on the dead cells. The parts of the demon that had also eliminated the human cells remained. The other cells were different. So, you could only guess that the demon who changed the pair of them was not only the same one but also the one who might hold the keys to a cure.

If you could find this demon, get a sample of their blood, and study it- you'd be able to find a way to isolate and attack their cells directly. Meaning- a treatment that would get rid of the demon cells in Bakugou and Eri. You needed to find this demon and hope you could do so.

You needed to hope no one had slayed this one yet... as it was your best bet of making that cure.

So, next came the difficult part.

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