Ch.56 - Enthrallment

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Ch.56 - Enthrallment

With his focus reaffirmed to what the goal was and his mind clear of anything that might have been blocking it, Bakugou exhaled and took in the scene before him. Those two annoying tagalongs were dealing with the demon who was the main target and so it gave him a chance to see what else was happening.

Behind him, he could hear Kurokori and the tiny demon working on wrapping up her wounds. Bakugou never felt so grateful for that tiny girl right now, seeing as it was her blood that was saving his love from dying from blood loss. From what Deku had said, Eri's blood was special. It couldn't turn humans, but it could heal them. Similarly, for demons, depending on how Eri saw that demon, it would either harm or help that demon. So, the kid had a complicated Blood Demon Art.

His wasn't complicated though and neither was his plan of attack. He took his blade from you and inhaled and exhaled a few times. He was going to end this quickly. All he needed to do was find his opening and take it. But therein laid the hard part: how to bring about that opening.

As things stood right now, there were too many demons swarming you all to have a straight shot. But, as he was with most things, the tides were about to turn in Bakugou's favor. One moment he was defending against a demon who had decided to try and challenge him and the next its head was flying off its body and the sound of thunder echoed around him.

"Looks like I got here just in-"

Bakugou sliced toward Kaminari and the boy let out a yelp. When Kaminari regained his composure he heard something hit the ground behind him. He turned to see that Bakugou had just beheaded a demon who had tried to sneak up on him. Looks like he might need to hold off on the 'I saved you and so you owe me' gloating until this was all over.

Especially when it seemed Bakugou was already in such a foul mood. So, Kaminari followed Bakugou into the swarm of demons, already cluing into the fact that the goal was to get to Midoriya and Todoroki who were on the other side and fighting off the head demon.

While the pair started to do so, the final two slayers arrived and immediately jumped into action. Kirishima joined the other pair of boys working through the wave of demons and Uraraka coming toward you and Eri. The brown-haired girl raised her blade and inhaled and exhaled a few times. Your eyes met hers and you gritted your teeth.

"You should be resting! That wound-"

"I'm fine!" Uraraka told you in reply and smiled. "It's all okay! I'm going to repay you right now and then we'll going everyone else in pushing through once you're ready!"

You blinked and then lowered your head. A chuckle escaped your lips and you nodded at Uraraka. The pair of you were on the same page and with Eri working hard, you'd both be with the boys in a matter of minutes. Injuries didn't matter right now, so long as they didn't kill you. You both could nurse your wounds later but right now, you both had a fight to finish.

"Midoriya!" Todoroki shouted and Midoriya ducked as the demon attempted to stab him with their claws. "Keep your distance! This one is still fairly unknown ability wise!"

Midoriya nodded his head and looked back at the demon. Their features had completely changed now. Or- it had in one way but not another? It seemed as if they had transitioned from one gender to another. The demon licked its lips and smiled at the pair of boys.

"Trying to figure out my Blood Demon Art?" They asked and then smiled coyly. "It's really nothing to worry about. Its simple- when I ingest blood, I shift my form to resemble that human's and when I share my blood with humans, they become like me! A sort of equal exchange in a way, right?"

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