Ch.25- Shame

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Ch.25- Shame

"Kurokori. What do we do?" Midoriya whispered to you, still watching around him for where your mother would reform herself.

"What the fuck do you think we do?! We take her fucking head off!!" Bakugou harshly whispered back.

"I know that, Kacchan... I mean how do we get her to stop moving so we can stop that!" Midoriya bit his lip. "This is Kurokori's mother... she should be the one deciding how we handle this."

Bakugou growled, his teeth gritting together and he huffed and looked towards the side. As much as he hated to admit it, shitty Deku had a point. This battle would affect you more than him or Deku. It should be up to you how they handled this. It should be you who delivered the final blow too if you could work up the courage to do so.

If you morally could.

That's what Bakugou was unknowingly afraid of. That you wouldn't be able to actually deliver the blow. You had not been able to with him. You had only merely knocked him out. He had managed to be able to resist at first and use that stubborn resistance inside of himself to be able to get this far.

But your mother... who knew how long she had been a demon by this point. Who knew how many humans she had eaten and killed by this point. Who knew if she was even able to be saved in any other way aside from poisoning or beheading.

Who knew if you could be the one to kill your mother.

"We need make sure those bodies can't be used by her." Your voice spoke up and both boys nodded to you. "Aim for the arms and the legs. She can't regenerate the bodies of the humans she killed. So, if we make it so she can't move in them and pupper them, than we can make sure we can actually deliver blows to her."

They nodded and you inhaled. She was a demon. She had hurt people. She had hurt you. All you had to do was free your mother of herself. She had lost herself and it was clear to you that she wouldn't ever be able to find her way back.

The mother who had once welcomed you home from a day of play with a warm hug and a kiss on your forehead was dead. She had been dead since the day your father had died. That pain and sorrow had corrupted her enough for her to do this and believe that avoiding death through any means was the best and only path for her to take.

You could understand and sympathize with her to a point. The idea of having lost Katsuki and then seeing that he was a demon had also nearly driven you insane as well. But the difference between you and your mother had been that you knew that Katsuki wouldn't want you to give in to that despair.

He would want you to use that pain and turn it into the strength to help him and help others.

That had been the same idea you held when your father was gone and your mother disappeared. You knew each would want you to move on and keep working hard to get that happy life you wanted. That was the sentiment you held and convinced yourself of for every tragedy you're faced. The memory of your loved ones and their wishes for your happiness was all you had to keep going forward.

It was what motivated you to be stronger and no longer be the weak little girl who always needed someone else to help or take care of her. The only thing keeping you from going cold and giving in to your thoughts of self-destruction was that belief.

And your mother had destroyed it with a single reunion between herself and you.

She was different. But- so were you.

You had gotten stronger. You had practiced and honed your skills more and more through these years. You had survived Final Selection through the memories of how your parents fought and through your own will to be strong enough to protect those you loved and cared about. You worked tirelessly these last few years and developed not only your abilities... but also created ones unique to only yourself.

One that your mother was about to see for herself.

"Watch my back." You told the pair of boys beside you.

You didn't wait for them to respond and instead just took off. It seemed it took them both a moment to realize you were going for a head-on attack and now both were rushing to do exactly as you asked of them. The sounds of their footsteps created an odd comfort in your heart. Knowing that in this fight, you were not alone. You had them besides you and they would make sure to protect you as much as you wanted to protect them.

Your mother smirked lightly before she disappeared into a pool of pool and absorbed herself once more into the body of another human she had massacred. You struck the body she was in before she could even lift a finger. You could see the dead eyes for a moment look shocked at the speed you were moving at.

She didn't wait for long though and jumped to another body. This one was further away from you and giving her ample time to get ready to strike you from where she stood. However, so focused on your quickfire strikes, your mother had recklessly forgotten that this wasn't a one-on-one fight. It was a three-on-one fight.

Another one of her human puppets was sliced beyond use as someone glided and twisted themselves around her. The blade looked to have created an elegant array of multicolored flames. Midoriya landed and held his blade tightly, ready to use another technique should that have not been enough.

But it had been and your mother jumped yet again. This time she didn't even get the chance to fully be absorbed into her new host body before Bakugou attacked her himself. He tore apart the dead human and watched as that demonic blood attempted to move again.

However, it appeared that while she had faced one of the three of you at a time- the other two of you had been making sure that she did not have infinite escapes and corpses to hide in. By the time Bakugou had struck her, you and Midoriya had managed to destroy the other possible vessels, while still making sure to leave the bodies in pieces that would be able to be buried properly after this fight.

Unable to find a host to control, your mother was forced to resort back to her physical form. She heaved, looking to have taken some damage from the various attacks and not being able to heal her body as quickly as she wanted to. It was clear she was realizing the trouble she was in and that she could be facing her end should she not do something and quickly to stop these attacks.

"Flame Breathing. First Form: Unknowing Fire!"

Your mother turned right as Bakugou took aim towards her neck. Between the learned breathing style and his own advanced demonic abilities it seemed he was much faster than she thought he could be. His Nichirin blade aimed to find a home in her neck before it would exit her neck as quickly as it would have entered her.

"You're reckless!" She yelled and drew her own hand back. "It's not just humans I can kill with ease!!"
Her own hand was now flying towards Bakugou, the fractured pink blade in her hand. She must have snagged a piece of the shattered blade through all the chaos and was keeping it as a measure of protection for this exact situation. She no doubt saw Bakugou as the most dangerous of the three of you with the skills of both a powerful demon and a powerful demon slayer.

The question now was who was faster and who was driving more force into beheading the other.

"Sun Breathing: Raging Sun!"

Your mother's eyes widened as Midoriya entered from behind and above her. His blade swung horizontally above her and took off both of her arms in a single strike. Her blood flew through the air and she let out a cry of pain. Then a second strike came just barely missing her neck as Midoriya landed behind Bakugou.

Her arms were taking too long to regenerate when compared to Bakugou's dangerous slash. So she could only perform a coward's move in order to avoid the flame-breathing demon. She slammed herself onto the ground, causing Bakugou's blade to miss and send him flying over her and trying to land without stabbing himself.

Midoriya came back towards her, but your mother had found that shattered piece of the blade and used her teeth to hold and tear it out of the grasp of her severed hand. She readied herself for Midoriya's attack, knowing even without any arms at the current moment, she was still as deadly as with them. Especially with a blade that was made of the sun.

Midoriya neared but suddenly changed his trajectory and leaped away from her. Your mother inhaled and felt her stomach drop. She looked at the position she was in and that she had only been fighting two of the three of you thus far.

Where was her daughter?

"Insect Breathing: Butterfly Dance: Caprice, Illusory Light." Your voice called out and your mother's gaze looked upwards.

You were swiftly gliding down towards her with a focused gaze and ready to strike. Your mother began to regenerate her arms, but she was unable to completely do so before your attack hit her. She felt her body get stabbed several times, no doubt with wisteria.

That should have been it. Her technique ended after those short series of thrusts. Yet, you were still moving and aiming and focusing on her.

You thrust your blade towards her again, this one more powerful than the others. It had enough force to send your mother onto her back and roughly skidding against the ground. She stopped and huffed out, feeling the poison not yet taking effect but would soon. She had to hurry if you could-

Bright glimmering light came from before her and she inhaled slowly. A cascade of fluttering butterflies made of light surrounded her and the largest of such made contact with her directly. Bursting upon impact into a flurry of flashing beams.

The world came back at that moment and your mother inhaled but found that she couldn't. The butterflies were now droplets of blood that took to the air and she saw that right before her was you. Your sword in her chest and pushing her downwards with everything you had.

She struck the ground yet again and this time upon impact, a crater was formed. Dust, rock, and dirt took to the air and were shot back from the impact zone with a fury. When all the movement ended, your mother was laying still on the ground, her body filled with lines of wisteria and you were still perched on top of her, not yet having drawn your blade back. She had managed to reform one of her arms and had driven it into your arm.

Your arm was bleeding heavily and filling the air with the smell of wisteria and blood. You trembled but neither Bakugou nor Midoriya knew if it was from the pain of that deep gash or that you had just killed your own mother.

A quiet grew over the area and no one moved. That was it. You could say for certain now that both of your parents were no longer of this world. Therefore, a moment of silence was deserved and both would give you such.

The battle was over. What came next... could be discussed when this silence had passed.

Slayed Hearts (Demon Slayer AU - Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now