Ch.9- Tenderness

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Ch.9- Tenderness

"Tch." He clicked his tongue, turning his head in defiance. "How the hell would I know what to fucking ask about."

As much as he internally wanted to ask, he was being truthful in not knowing what to ask... as he was still unsure of who he was- or used to be.

You chuckled from where you still sat, raising a hand and placing it into your hair. "Ah, yeah... I guess that was a little insensitive of me."

Another bout of silence came over the both of you. Once more making the only noises the ones that came from your tending to the swords. The scabbard of the lavender-blue one looked to be what you currently had your eyes focused on.

You picked up a vial of purple liquid, and gently poured a little bit of it inside the scabbard. After that, you took the polished blade the scabbard was paired with and slipped it inside.

Bakugou hadn't noticed it before, but the two blades you carried were vastly different in design. The pink one looked like a traditional katana, while the lavender-blue one only had a tiny sliver of a blade at the very tip.

Now on the subject of your swords, he could recall how the techniques you used for each also seemed vastly different. One was delicate and precise, the other loose and wild, much akin to the blades that were practicing such techniques.

"Hey... how did you kill that pink demon from before?" Bakugou asked you suddenly.

You placed the covered sword down and then gently motioned towards your arms. They had always been covered by a long and slightly baggy black haori, patterned with a mixture of red, white, and pink cherry blossoms. Until now, he hadn't ever seen your arms exposed.

So as you lift your arms upward, letting the sleeves naturally fall, it revealed something else on both of your lower arms. A set of syringes containing purple liquid were attached to your arms, though it appeared the needles were dormant in the syringe. You gently shook both of your hands backward, as far as they would go. As you did, the needles snapped forward from the vials, showing off a purple gleam on each of them in the firelight.

"I've taken to making sure I'm always armed... either with a big set of blades or injections." You laughed, flicking your hand back, the needles retreating back before they could puncture your skin.

"They move based on the muscle movement of your hands?" Bakugou observed and you nodded.

"You've always had a really keen eye! And yeah, when I fight, I don't usually pull my hands super far back, but in the case that a demon does manage to get up close to me, I have these as a last defense."

You lowered your hands, allowing the haori to once more cover your arms and part of your hands. He could barely tell they were there, and more than likely would have never known that the syringes were there had it not been for you showing him.

"No wonder you always fucking smell like the damn flower..." He grumbled. "More than other humans too... you fucking stink."

"Well, between the needles on my wrist, the insect nichirin blade, and all the replenishing vials of wisteria extract... I suppose it makes sense that I would." You hummed, humor in your tone.

"Insect what?" He raised a brow.

"It's how I differentiate my parent's blades... based on the techniques they used as slayers." You shrugged. "Father's was the pink one, he used a flower technique often. Mother would always mock him for having gotten such a color. Mother had the lavender-blue one, she used an insect technique."

"Are there lots of techniques when it comes to fighting demons?" Bakugou pressed on.

"Hmm." You nodded your head. "There are quite a few, and more creative slayers are able to create their own versions based on the original technique they were taught. Insect breathing technique for example was based on flower. Flower was based on water... etc."

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