Ch.52 - Envy

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Ch.52 - Envy

-30 Minutes Prior-

"So you met Deku before? When you were in trouble?"

Uraraka nodded at you. "Yeah... he showed up right when I needed him. I thought I was going to die. But, then he was there and pulling me onto my feet and telling me to run."

"How long ago was this?" You asked and Uraraka pondered for a moment.

"Um... maybe a year or so again?" She told you and tapped her chin. "Yeah that sounds right, cause I remember hearing about him being a demon sympathizer the spring after he saved me, so a little over a year now."

"You didn't see him again until now then?"

"Yeah. He said he had a mission to keep with and I didn't want to make him lag behind in that mission. So, we parted ways." Uraraka sighed. "I've been working really hard since then. I want... to be like him. I want to be able to survive and defeat demons stronger than me and show everyone that I can become a powerful slayer too!"

"You two must have met just before Kacchan and I were reunited." You sighed and leaned back against the wall in this tiny house." Your eyes wandered to your blade and Uraraka's that were resting beside one another, in between the pair of you. "I've never met someone who practices Love Breathing before. It's a fairly new style, right?"

Uraraka nodded. "It is. I originally was trying to learn a few other styles, like Flower Breathing... but I couldn't get it down. I thought that I wouldn't be able to become a slayer... but then I learned about Love Breathing and I got the hang of it really quickly. What about you? I don't think I ever found out what style you practice."

"I know Insect and Flower." You told her and motioned to your blade. "That blade belonged to my father... he and my mother were slayers before."

Uraraka frowned, noticing the past tense. But she didn't want to pry. She had heard from Midoriya about what happened to your village. She may have not been with the green-haired boy that long at the time he rescued her, but she did get to know him. Knew his story and why he was trying to slay demons now. Uraraka wondered what your reasons were... well aside from turning Bakugou back to normal.

"How long have you been a slayer?"

"That's a tough question." You told her with a light chuckle. "I've been trained since I could hold a sword, but I passed Selection a few years ago. But to me... I think I've always had the skills of a slayer, even if I didn't start hunting demons until recently."

"Do you... not like it?"

You shook your head. "I don't. I can't explain it, but some part of me feels disgusted with myself when I take the life of a demon. Especially now when I am trying to find a cure for demonism... I feel like I'm killing off people who could have been saved..."

You closed your eyes and inhaled sharply. Your hand rose and clenched your haori. You didn't like slaying. You liked saving but you hadn't done much of that lately. You had picked up on something you were told to use as self-defense. Your father didn't train you with the hopes of you becoming a slayer after all. He trained you with the hopes that you would be able to protect yourself and those you cared about.


You couldn't do that very well. Everything that had led up to this moment was because you were unable to do exactly that. You had left your fiance and it resulted in him ending up being turned. It would be a lie to say you had not ever considered what would have happened if you didn't go off to search for your mother. If you had stayed with Katsuki and gotten married that spring rather than waiting another year because you needed your answers.

Slayed Hearts (Demon Slayer AU - Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now