Ch.32 - Benevolent

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Ch.32 - Benevolent

You had no idea when you had passed out, but you had. The bleeding from the wound and the fear of hearing what Todoroki Enji was putting Bakugou and Midoriya through must have overwhelmed you. If those last lingering thoughts didn't prove it, then the dreams of your own selection from years ago prived it.

There were so many of you, but by the time you walked out... all that remained of them were the splatters of their blood that had gotten on you after watching demons tear through them. You had survived on your intense obsession to find your mother and get back home to marry Katsuki... though, you'd find out in a mere year how much your life had changed.

You shook your head, not just to clear your head of those nightmares disguised as memories, but also to try and removed the piece of cloth that was covering your eyes. You were still tied up and gagged, but your eyes now also were covered. The ground around you felt cold and hard, making your legs numb despite the clothing that covered you.

The sounds of movement somewhere before you made your heart sink. Was there something in here with you? A human? A demon? Your breathing increased, but you struggled to get the amount of air you needed thanks to the gag.

The noise grew closer and you braced yourself for whatever was before you. You felt a gentle hand touch your cheek. It was warm as if telling you to relax. Then a colder hand touched the blindfold over your eyes and tugged it off.

Light returned to you, even if there was not a lot of it in this room. Before you, resting on his knees before you was that boy from before. His brow was creased and he looked to be rather upset about something or another. You blinked as he tugged the gag off you next and allowed your voice to also be free once more.

"Turn around." He told you.

You tensed up and moved back from him. A glare in your vision and a protective stance taking over your form. The boy blinked, his face unreadable. He watched you for a few moments and then seemed to understand what it was that had made you act so defensive.

He had approached a girl tied up and essentially at his mercy and told her to turn around with no context. His sister would be quite upset with him for spooking the girl so much.

"I'm going to untie you." He told you.

"Why?" You spoke to him, mistrust laced in your tone. "You were the one who brought me and my friends here... why should I trust anything you say?"

"Because my father never said anything about this." The boy told you. "I was ordered to go and retrieve the pair of demon sympathizers. Had I known he would do more then a simple interrogation like he told me, I wouldn't have taken you all back. He's... despicable."

"You're not wrong there." You huffed and then slowly turned around. "Touch me in any lewd manner and you'll regret it."

"Okay." He spoke.

Your legs were untied and then your hands. You moved them around, trying to get the stiffness out of them. You groaned slightly and looked back at the boy. He looked to be watching you as if he was trying to learn all there was about you from his observations alone.

"Can I help you?" You asked him.

"Oh." He blinked. "I didn't mean to stare."

You deadpanned. What was with this guy? He was the hardest to read and you worried what that meant and if he had any plans for you. So, even if he had freed you of all your restraints, you kept your guard up.

"What do you want?" You asked him, making it known in your tone that your patience was thinning.

"Nothing. Just to try and fix what my father had done to you-"

Slayed Hearts (Demon Slayer AU - Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now