Ch.48 - Contempt

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Ch.48 - Contempt


The split-haired boy looked up from where he had been practicing his slashes and saw his older sister looking at him from the deck. Fuyumi gave him a sympathetic smile and motioned towards a room he hated being called towards.

"Father wishes to see you."

Todoroki sighed and slid his sun blade back into its scabbard and made his way inside. He wiped the sweat off his brow and decided to stop by his quarters. He wanted to change and didn't mind making his father wait for a few more minutes until he managed to do so.

So, Todoroki took his time changing. When he had finished, he realized something. He acted on his thought and spent a few more minutes doing so. When finished, he made his way to his father's quarters and knocked on the door.


He slid the door open and the tatami mats creaked as he entered. His father was sitting and facing the wall. It was covered in slash marks and the scrolls that had once been painted with a delicate hand were ripped and torn. He had done it all years ago, but he still hadn't cleaned any of this up. A reminder of the person he was never able to reach and the gap between them.

"What do you want?" Todoroki asked and Enji turned around to face him.

"Report." Enji's eyes narrowed. "On the demon sympathizers and the demons they claim are against eating humans."

Todoroki's facial features sterned and he turned his back on his father. He took a step towards the door.

"Shouto! Answer my question!" His father yelled at him and Todoroki just scoffed.

Todoroki turned back to look at his father and shook his head. Enji's eyes widened. He wasn't glaring at him, but he also looked to have settled upon something. Enji rose to his feet and took a step closer to his son.

"I'm no longer a disciple of yours starting right now." Todoroki told him. "I've moved past your teachings and will decide my own missions and goals from this point forward."

He walked to the door and grabbed the handle. But Enji snagged his shoulder and stopped him from moving.

"And where are you going to stay?"

"I'll find a place."

"How are you going to survive on your own? The demons will tear you apart."

"I'll find allies then."

"Are you doing this because you truly believe in your own judgements... or because you want to escape my own?"

Todoroki stilled and turned to look at his father. The man was giving him a hard stare and Todoroki's teeth gritted together. He smacked his father's hand away. He didn't know what he was talking about! He knew nothing of what had happened and what he had seen.

His father's shadow had always hovered over him, but he wanted the sun to come out and erase it. The only way that was possible was when he left this place and left his father and his teaching behind. Todoroki know it would be difficult... but he also know that he was going to be who he wanted to be.

"I will make my own path... I will carve my own destiny." Todoroki told him and marched out of the room.

"Shouto! Shouto, get back here!" Enji's voice called, but it soon became no more than an echo as Todoroki made his way towards the door.

"Shouto? Where are you going? Why's father yelling?" Fuyumi asked her younger brother as she paused by the front door and slipped the last of his belongings into the bags he was carrying.

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