Ch.40 - Initiative

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Ch.40 - Initiative

You set out the next morning. Bakugou on your back inside of his little box as usual. The day was a warm one, but under the shield of the trees and the ever-constant cool breeze, you didn't melt from the heat. By the time the sun was just starting to set, you could make out the outline of the village you had been walking to find all this time.

You could see people moving about and relief pulsed through your body. It looked like Deku and Todoroki had managed to wrap things up already. So you wanted to hurry inside and find them both and see if you could help in any way.

A loud thud came right as you were about to enter the village and you knew you should let him out and get back to regular size now rather than before any unaware villagers. So one unlocked latch later and near strike of the door to your shin later and Bakugou was out and about once more.

"We make it?" He asked and stretched.

"Hm. Looks like things are back to normal though." You told him. "We need to find Deku and Todoroki or ask if anyone saw where they went."

"Let's hurry it up then... I want to get this over with." He grumbled and you both moved into the village.

Bakugou shivered as he stepped inside but you didn't look to feel anything weird, so he chalked it up to yet another weird demon thing he should ignore, like his cravings and violent urges.

People bustled around the pair of you, going about their normal day and looking to be in good spirits. This place was flowing like a trained system and Bakugou didn't need to avoid accidentally rubbing shoulders with one of them since they passed by him with precision and fluidity.

His vision caught onto a familiar green mop of air and he nudged you. Your hues flickered to him and Bakugou motioned to Midoriya in the distance. Your features lit up in relief and you pulled Bakugou with you and towards Midoriya.

Halfway through, your sprint eased into a casual walk. Your face changed to a calm one but still with a focus on Midoriya.

Seeing this and knowing you had been walking all day and must be exhausted, Bakugou called out to the other boy in front of them.

"Oi, Deku! Turn fucking around!"

The boy didn't react and Bakugou gritted his teeth. Ignoring him huh, well he wasn't going to fucking stand for that. Bakugou took your hand in one of his and marched you both forward. Your feet lagged behind his, but still moving.

"Oi! Deku!" Bakugou snarled and forcefully grabbed a hold of Midoriya's shoulder. "The hell are you doing?!"

Midoriya turned around to look at the pair of you. His familiar emerald hues looking at you with an unfamiliar expression face attached. Bakugou blinked and took in his attire. It looked like what some kind of farmer would wear and even had the dirt that would be on it too.

"Oh. Hello." Midoriya spoke. "Do you need me for something?"

"The fuck?" Bakugou looked off-put. "The fuck are you talking about? And where the hell is you damn sword? And that Half-and-Half?"

"I think... you might have me confused with someone else, sir." Midoriya told him.

There was no way. This was for sure Deku. He looked too much and sounded too much like the damn nerd for it to be anyone else! Was he playing some kind of fucking game with him? Oh Deku was going to get knocked on his ass right now...

"Quit it with the fucking games." Bakugou snarled and grabbed Midoriya by his collar. "If we're already finished here then fucking say it so we can move on-"

Slayed Hearts (Demon Slayer AU - Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now