Ch.42 - Wrath

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Ch.42 - Wrath

What was it with demons and using the bodies of allies to try and attack you?! First, it was Kurokori's fucking demon of a mom using her own daughter's body and now it was these two bastards!

Bakugou heaved and narrowly missed Todoroki's attack. He had to quickly jump away to dodge Midoriya's attack. Fuck... he needed to get the little demon's blood on them, but since there were two of them he wasn't seeing any kind of opening, and the rare chance he did, he had to literally watch his own back and neck from getting chopped off.

"Fuck!" Bakugou cursed as he had let his guard down when Todoroki had tried to attack him from the front.

Deku had come from behind and stabbed him square through the chest as s result. Blood took to the air and Bakugou heaved. He barely managed to move away before Todoroki swung his sword down where his own head had just nearly been.

The vials of blood in his pocket jingled and he debated holding them in his free hand. But that risked him not having an open hand when he might need it. Shit... think! He needed to think!

It wasn't like a normal spar with either of them right now. No, that demon had ordered them to attack him at their full strengths so any precautions both had used to protect their own bodies were no longer taken into mind. It was starting to show too, as bruises and cuts were appearing on them from the lack of care and control.

Bakugou dodged one of Midoriya's attacks but came right into one of Todoroki's. He threw up his free hand and Todoroki's sword was caught in it. Better his wrist than the neck the bastard had been aiming for. Now, what was shitty Deku-

Bakugou raised his blade and cursed as Midoriya swung his down and flames and sparks danced between them. He grit his teeth and his chest flared up. No way! He was not going to fucking keel over right here and right now! Especially not by these two bastards' hands!

The old demon laughed at seeing this. It was like watching a spider catch and wrap up a fly in its webbing. The creature knew it was as good as dead but still attempted to fight despite that. Foolish pitiful attempts to save its life that would prove to be fruitless. Especially when the spider grew tired of watching the fly struggle and just wanted to enjoy its meal in peace.

Bakugou's burning will be still raging and the old demon no longer found it amusing. Did he not see he was in a position that would end him? The two other slayers were too close for one or both to miss. When his stretch gave out, he would lose his life at the hands of those he had seen as friends. Now that... was what the older demon wanted to see. That face of betrayal and disbelief when he would be killed by those other two.

But maybe... there was one more fun thing to do with this demon before then. So, he'd order those two to ease up slightly so he could make sure the torture would end in the worst of ways. Yes... this was an idea worthy of a climatic ending!

"His antics have grown old. Kill him." The old demon yawned and spun a finger around. "Actually... leave him alive just a bit. Enough that he'll have to witness me capturing that slayer girl and having you all kill one another and the little demon before his eyes. Then I'll force whatever remains of you all down his throat before killing him myself."

Bakugou inhaled sharply, still holding onto the pair of blades as best he could. One was getting too close to slicing his hand off and then the other was starting to crumble to the sword his own had clashed with.

His mind was running though, no longer paying attention to the blades or his allies forced into being enemies but to what the demon had just said. His teeth grit as the words echoed. His breathing picked up and his skin started to show irritated veins. His eyes turned demonic and the tips of his hair that were orange started to shift to a deep blood red.

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