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It took another two days, but you managed to reach the village. As you all made your way into it, you couldn't help but see your own home. This place was so similar. The way the homes were set up and how the main street ran directly through the middle of town. The shops looked to be similar to the ones you had grown up with too.

"Deku." You spoke and he turned to look at you.

Everyone else continued as the two of you stood at this village's entrance and looked in. Midoriya sighed and nodded his head. He saw it too. You lowered your head and felt Midoriya gently place his hand on your back.

"It's going to be fine." Midoriya told you. "We're here now."

You inhaled and nodded at him. He was right. This would be it. Even if this guy wasn't the main evil demon or the strongest one... your mission wasn't to slay demons. You had picked up the sun blade originally to find your mother and now you had kept holding it for Bakugou's sake. Once you made that cure... you would put the sun blade down for good.

You wanted that normal life and you wanted it with Bakugou. You wanted to go back to your village and rebuild it. You wanted people to move back in and for life to return to the village. You wanted to see kids running down the streets with wide smiles and playing together, women talking to one another in the streets, and men laughing boisterously as they enjoyed another night of peace.

You wanted to have a home for you to always come back home to and a husband who would always have a place to come home to as well. You wanted to marry and finally move away from this demon-slaying life. You were ready to be what some people might call boring, but to you- after everything these past few years- boring was no longer existent in your mind and instead had become an outlook of peace and joy.

That was why you were here. To finish this and get that life.

Midoriya started after everyone else and you continued after him. You looked around the village as you walked and noticed how there were indeed people about. They looked to be normal and enjoying their day, but you could see that their faces carried worry in them.

Your little group came to a stop at the edge of town after having wandered through and you all looked at each other. It seemed you were not the only one who had noticed the odd feeling of this village. Nor did any of you sense any demons while you wandered through. Plus, it was daylight and these people were out and about. Meaning they were not demons.

"Was the info bad?" Kaminari asked and Todoroki pondered for a moment.

"If it was... then it was the slayer corps that got it wrong." Todoroki commented. "They usually never get information like that wrong."

"Well this place isn't exactly overrun by bloodthisty demons." Kirishima exhaled and scratched his head. "I don't know what to think."

"There's something that's bothering me though..." Midoriya spoke and everyone turned their gazes to him.

"What is it Deku-kun?" Uraraka asked him and you nodded from beside the brown-haired girl.

"There are a lot of women and children and older men... but I didn't see any young men or young women?" Midoriya commented and everyone's eyes widened at this revelation. "That seems suspicious to me."

"You're right." Todoroki looked back at the village. "There doesn't seem to be anyone in our age range here."

"We should look into this then." You spoke and motioned to everyone. "It's still daylight for a while, so let's all split up and see what we can find out, okay?"

Slayed Hearts (Demon Slayer AU - Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now