Happy Birthday, Vanguard!

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A/N:  This may be the ACTUAL final oneshot of this book! To those who still want to see me write fanfics, please go and visit my fanfic The New Generation~! This oneshot is actually connected with that :) Thank you!

Happy Birthday, Vanguard!

June 6

It was morning when Kourin woke up after a deep slumber, she yawned and stretched her arms and body. She felt a pair of arms wrapped around her body and Kourin turned around. Her husband, Aichi, was sleeping soundly, he was letting out snores and Kourin couldn't help but to giggle.

Kourin gave a short kiss on Aichi's lips, realizing that it was time to cook breakfast, she sat up and let go from Aichi's embrace. But before she was about to get out of their bed, Kourin felt a hand grab her wrist and all of a sudden, she was pulled back to the bed.

"Wha-?!" Kourin was shocked and she looked at her back. Aichi was cuddling her again, Kourin sweat dropped. "Aichi... I need to go and make breakfast..."

Aichi just let out a groan and continued to embrace her. Kourin sighed and she rolled over to face him, touching his face and then returning his embrace.

"Seriously, Aichi..." Kourin spoke. "I need to go cook our breakfast or else we'll starve."

"Hm... Kourin-san..." Aichi muttered in his sleep. "Kourin-san..."

"Aichi... I said wake up!" Kourin tried shaking him by the shoulders but to no avail. She just sighed and gave up, she just continued to hug him. She ran her hands on his broad back, and as she moved closer, she closed her eyes and smelled his scent that she loves. Kourin smiled to herself and thought, 'Maybe just cuddling with him like this isn't so bad after all...'

"Mm..." Aichi finally woke up and yawned. He stretched his arms and saw that Kourin was hugging him, he smiled and hugged her back. "Good morning, Kourin-san." He greeted and smiled.

"You're finally awake, Aichi." Kourin said as her voice was muffled, she was against his chest. Kourin then adjusted herself to face Aichi and sighed disappointingly. "Seriously, I've been trying to wake you up since earlier and you wouldn't."

"I'm really sorry, Kourin-san. I was just really tired..." Aichi apologized and played with her hair with his fingers.

"I was okay with that, actually. But you didn't even let me go, I wanted to cook breakfast for us." Kourin pouted.

Aichi could only let out a chuckle. "Well, I was having a really good dream."

"And what is it about?"

"It was when we met each other again and the time when we had our first date." Aichi explained happily about his dream to his wife. Kourin was flattered knowing that he was dreaming about her. She couldn't help but to blush.

."T-that seems to be a very good dream, Aichi." Kourin commented and stared at him; he was smiling widely.

"It is, and remember our first kiss? Haha, you were so cute there!" Aichi was now teasing her, and Kourin only pouted cutely. This made Aichi smile even more, seeing how cute his wife is, he couldn't resist but to bring her in another cuddling session.

"A-Aichi!!" Kourin started laughing when Aichi was tickling her. "S-stooopp!" She said and Aichi laughed as well. When the blunette had stopped, he lay down on top of Kourin, gently resting his head on her chest.

"Kourin-san, did you forget what day it is today?" He asked, earning a scoff from his lovely wife.

"Of course not, why would I forget?" Kourin replied. "Despite the fact that I have lost my memories from when I first met you until the day we parted, I was able to remember my memories when we met again thanks to you. That's why I will never forget about you again. Happy Birthday, Aichi."

"Thank you so much, Kourin-san." Aichi smiled, "I am also grateful that we met again, that was the happiest moment in my life, you know? Especially now that we're married and our babies are born... I am so happy being with you."

"Me too." Kourin said. As they both sat down on the bed, Kourin suddenly let out a sigh. "Sorry, I have no gift to give you for this year."

"I understand, Kourin-san." Aichi said. "You really don't have to give me anything, just being with you for my birthday is enough. I'm already happy."

"You're such a romantic," Kourin commented. "Well, shall we have our breakfast today? Ah, I guess I should make you the fluffiest pancake I could ever make. I will make it special just for you because it's your birthday, honeybun."

"Yes! Thank you, Kourin-san!" Aichi excitedly replied, "I should definitely wake up the twins! They will be so happy knowing that it's their father's birthday! We should really celebrate!"

"Of course!" Kourin said and smiled. The married couple had left their bedroom to prepare for Aichi's birthday.

Of course, their friends all came by to celebrate Aichi's birthday as well, they gave him gifts and had a great day.

Happy Birthday, Aichi Sendou!



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