Too Late

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A/N: I know I have written one shots about AiKou that has the same "Please come back to me" idea. But I really have to make this one, since I can't take this off my head. And listening to Northern Downpour by Panic! At The Disco made me write this.


I didn't know I would miss her so much, I didn't know it would be too late.

When she disappeared, I felt sad. A friend that has been dear to me had left; and she comes back without her memories, I know I'm happy, seeing her still doing what she does made me reassure myself that she's fine.

So why do I have this feeling?

It's bugging me a lot, though I had to forget about it too. That feeling confused me, so whatever it was I had to let it go.

I could see her through the television, with that bright smile and her gleaming emerald green eyes, it made me happy. Yet why do I feel sad?

This confused me so much.

Years have passed and I didn't do anything other than to focus on my studies, I never saw anything about her again. No news, no talks, it seemed like she's not there anymore.

I didn't know why, and everyone kept their mouths shut about her. Like, what happened to her? Where is she? Where did she go?

I always dream about her fading away, it was one of those dreams that I know it's not supposed to happen, but I kept thinking about it.

How I desperately hope it's a dream.

I would look at the bright full moon that was there at night, and it reminded me of that event. She was there with me, and she was there to stay with me.

She sacrificed herself for me, and all I did was to thank her. I know I have done something for her, but it seem like it's not enough.

It took me a while to realize, that those weird feelings I had when she disappeared was loneliness. I longed for her smile, I wanted her to be with me. I missed her so much.

I love her.

So when I finally realized what it was, I decided to come back. I wanted to see her and try to make her remember about her old memories again.

But I couldn't find her.

I constantly asked my friends about her, and they couldn't tell me. I even asked Kai to help me, in which he did.

It was luck that brought us to the shop where I first met her, PSY Shop.

I asked Suiko and Rekka on where she is, but they couldn't give me a straight answer. It's like they didn't want me to know something.

I felt suspicious, it really felt suspicious. Because on every person that I ask about her, they also asked me if I'm ready.

"Kai-kun, I'm really confused." I said.

"Why?" Kai asked.

"I mean, everyone keeps on asking me if I'm prepared. I am prepared, I am ready to meet Kourin-san." I explained, "I really want to see her."

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