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A/N: I haven't updated because I had no ideas, and Wattpad's been having problems. but I have this one simple idea that I think will be an okay story.


"Sendou-sensei!" A co-worker has called, and Aichi glanced. He puts his papers and files down as he turned to his co-worker.

"Yes, what is it?" Aichi spoke and smiled.

"Since we successfully finished our job today, let's have some little gathering!" His co-worker said enthusiastically.

"Eh? A gathering?" Aichi was confused and curious.

"Yeah! We should drink, sensei!" Another one of his co-workers said.

"Drink? Oh… I'm sorry, I really don't drink that much." Aichi declined and he smiled awkwardly.

'Kourin-san will kill me if I get drunk.' He thought.

"Come on, sensei! Don't be such a killjoy! We're just going to drink a little!"





Aichi was sitting, bottles of alcoholic beverages and glasses are around the table. His co-workers are being loud as they talk about their lives, and Aichi is the only one being quiet.

"So Sendou-sensei, mind talking about yourself?"

Aichi glanced and smiled, "I'd… rather not."

"Come on, you're being like this again?! Stop being such a killjoy, sensei! We've already talked about our lives but you haven't!"

Obviously, everyone is already drunk. Aichi is no exception, but he still doesn't want to talk about himself. He thought it's a bit embarrassing to talk about.


"No buts, Sensei! Tell us!"

Aichi sighed in defeat, he looked back at his co-workers with a smile.

"Oh well, I'm… actually a cardfighter, and… I studied astrology in America before I went back here." Aichi said, "And… I have a wife and two children."

"A cardfighter? So you mean to tell us you're that Aichi Sendou?!"

Aichi laughed awkwardly and nodded.

"But Sensei, you never told us who's your wife! You should say her name and such!"

"D-do I really have to?" Aichi asked.

"Of course!"

"W-well…" Aichi chuckled and he took his phone out. "Her name… is Kourin."

"Kourin? Same name as Kourin from Ultra Rare?"

Aichi nodded, and he showed a picture of him and Kourin on their wedding day, "This is her."

"What the hell?!"

"Guys look, it's Kourin! Kourin from Ultra Rare!"


Everyone gathered around Aichi and looked at the picture, they were all shocked. Their professor's wife is actually the popular idol!

"Sensei, you're so lucky to have her! And you even got two kids with her?! That's so cool!" Aichi was being praised.

Sure he's proud that he's got a beautiful wife and adorable children, he's just embarrassed for being praised.

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