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A/N: This oneshot is from the Trade Mistakes story that we'll just say, cut. God, I still can't believe Trade Mistakes has ended. It really is my most favorite fanfiction that I have written and now it's finished, I can't help but to miss it. Anyways, enjoy this short story from Trade Mistakes that I couldn't fit in.

Aichi was lying on the bed with his already sleeping wife, Kourin. He looked at her tummy and noticed how it's already gotten bigger, he smiled at the thought of wanting to see how his child looks like.

"Aichi?" He heard Kourin speak, she must've woke up.

"Kourin?" He responded.

"Make me some cheesecake, or buy one." Kourin requested.

Aichi blinked, he looked at his phone and saw that the time is 3:12 AM. Aichi sighed, "Kourin it's late. Let's eat tomorrow okay?"

"Aichi! Buy me or I'll make sure to cut you off!" Kourin exclaimed.

'Pregnancy… mood swings… Oh dear…' Aichi thought. He cringed when Kourin said about cutting him off.

"Of course, I was kidding. I'll buy you okay? Chocolate or blueberry?" Aichi gave a nervous laugh.

"Chocolate." Kourin said and Aichi nodded.

Aichi took his jacket and wore it over his night clothes, he looked at Kourin who closed her eyes again. 'What's with pregnant women and cravings?' He thought again.

"I'll see you later okay? I'll be back." He said and went out.

Aichi was glad that there is a nearby grocery store that has cheesecakes, so he quickly went to the cakes section and bought a whole cheesecake.

"Huh? Aichi?" Aichi heard someone called him, he glanced around and saw Naoki with his girlfriend, Maki.

"Naoki-kun, Nagashiro-san. What are you two doing this late night?" Aichi asked.

"Oh us? Actually I was here buying some foods because I have a family outing later on and I have to be early, and Maki is joining me. How 'bout you?" Naoki said.

"Ah… Kourin's craving for cheesecake unfortunately happened this late night." Aichi replied and smiled, "Anyways, I have to go. See you guys!"

"Yeah! Happy advanced father's day, Aichi." Naoki said and grinned.

Aichi only blushed and shyly smiled back as he went back home.

"Kourin? I'm back." Aichi said as he went to their room with a tray of cheesecakes and some tea.

"Aichi," Kourin smiled; Aichi puts the tray on their bed and gave Kourin a plate of cheesecake.

"I was crying, you know?" Said Kourin.

Aichi looked at her in confusion, "Why?"

"I thought you'd take that chance to leave me alone," Kourin said and looked down.

Aichi then went near her and embraced her, "Why would I leave you? Didn't I tell you I'll take care of you?"

Kourin bit her lip, "I know… it's just that… I have no idea what I'm even thinking… I'm so sorry."

Aichi chuckled and kissed her forehead, "Don't apologize. Also, don't be sad. Our baby won't be happy if you stay like that."

"Speaking of our baby, Aichi. It kicked, and I was so surprised that I have to rub my belly for some times." Kourin told him and Aichi puts his hand on Kourin's tummy.

"It seems like it's moving again." Kourin stated as she ate her cheesecake. "Must've liked the cheesecake."

"I guess it's a mini Kourin," Aichi told her.

Kourin pouted and spoke, "It's a mini Aichi."

"How can my wife be so sure? I know it's a mini Kourin." Aichi teased, causing Kourin to glare at him and shoved a cheesecake on his mouth.

"Doesn't your family always have boys as their first child?" Kourin stated.

Aichi then nodded, he knows that the Sendou family always has a male first child. But he really wanted a girl like Kourin; a boy isn't bad since it would be a man's pride to have a boy.

Aichi gulped down the cheesecake and looked at Kourin, "Anyways, it's gonna be late. How about you finish that cheesecake and we'll go back to sleep?"

Kourin glared at him again, "Are you ordering me?!"

Aichi sweat dropped, completely intimidated at his wife. "No, no. I um… it's just late and… I'm worrying that… you…"

"Idiot, I'm going to be okay. And I want to eat my cheesecake, and taste every single bite of it." Kourin gave a childish smile which is very unusual for Aichi to see.

"You mean the whole cheesecake?" Aichi asked.

Kourin nodded, "Yes!"

Aichi looked at her in amusement and terror. How can Kourin even eat a whole piece of cheesecake? He thought as he stared at her eating.

Aichi can only smile to himself, this might just be one of his favorite things of Kourin. Her as a cheesecake lover.


A/N: Anyways guys, I've already posted the Yandere!Aichi x Kourin fanfic. It is titled "If You Like It or Not"

That's all. See you next AiKou oneshot!

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