Meteor Showers

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A/N: So, after a few years of not listening to Owl City. I tried listening to his songs and I was like "Oh my god why do I imagine Aichi x Kourin?!" And I literally cried while listening to them, and now I thought of an idea.

Please enjoy!


"A meteor shower tonight?" Kourin asked as she looked at Aichi who was sitting on the sofa, Aichi smiled and nodded at her.

"Yes, I saw it on the news earlier. Maybe we both should look at it?" Aichi suggested.

"Well of course, I haven't got some time to spend with you. So I think this is fine." Kourin replied and sat next to Aichi.

Kourin puts her head on Aichi's shoulder, she smiled when Aichi tensed a bit but Aichi puts his hand on her shoulder, though a bit nervous.

"Why are you still so shy to me? We're already together so try to get used to me. And don't get too tense when I do this." She told him and embraced him back.

"I-I'd like to stay calm but still... every time you do this it feels like I'm..."

"Hmm? What's that?" Kourin gave a smirk on her boyfriend.

"W-well... you see..." Aichi then laughed nervously and he sighed, "Whenever you do that I always feel my heart beating so fast. It's like... every time you do that it feels like it's our first time being close though we've been together for long."

"Oh," Kourin smiled at Aichi. She gave a small kiss on Aichi's cheek before letting go. She stood from the sofa and stretched her arms.

"I guess I should cook dinner for us, then we'll go out later." Kourin said and Aichi nodded.


It was night time and the couple were walking outside, they reached the park and they both sat at the bench.

The night sky was full of stars, the view was mesmerizing and totally romantic. The sound of the crickets and bugs were heard all around the place, it was peaceful.

"Kourin-san," Aichi called.


Aichi held Kourin's hand as he continued looking up the starry sky. "I remember when we saw the meteor showers together. But you didn't tell me your wish back then."

"Well," Kourin gave a sigh before replying, "I wished that you'd be mine."

Aichi smirked at her response, "But I am now, right?"

Kourin blushed and looked away, while Aichi looked backed at her. He felt so happy that they're both together now. He really thought that there won't be a day that they won't be together. He thought that all of the things he wanted to do with her will only end up as a dream.

But this isn't. She's with him again, and now he promised to not ever let go of her and won't let her disappear again.

"I remember when we fought on that tree, Aichi." Kourin said and looked back at the blunette. "I remember being reversed and I wanted to make you mine so I fought you."

Aichi's smile fell as he saw Kourin's eyes, they looked sad. Aichi didn't want to see that.

"I'm sorry for that, Aichi. I wanted you so much back then that I had to give in to reverse before and..." Kourin's tears fell but she quickly wiped her tears away.

"Kourin-san, no. Don't say sorry, it was not your fault that you gave in. Sometimes there are just things we can't help but to do, but then... you don't have to blame yourself for that." Aichi told her, "And it doesn't matter anymore now. Because you and I are together."

"Aichi..." Kourin embraced him and Aichi embraced her back. They stayed like that until Aichi saw the meteor showers falling and he pulled from the embrace.

"Kourin-san, look! There's a lot of them!" Aichi said excitingly and pointed at the sky.

Kourin looked at the sky and saw the meteor showers, she smiled. "You're right!" She replied.

"What did you wish for, Kourin-san?" Aichi asked.

"Um, I wished for us to stay together. And that we should... you know, love each other always." Kourin said and blushed. "How about you?"

Aichi chuckled and he took something from his jacket's pocket. "I was wishing for this." He showed Kourin a small box.

Kourin's eyes widened as Aichi opened the box and it contained a ring.

"I wanted to ask you for marriage, and I wished you'd say yes... B-but if you think it's sudden then I-"

Aichi was cut off when Kourin puts her finger on Aichi's lips, Kourin smiled at him.

"My answer for that is yes, Aichi. Even if you didn't wish for it, I'd still say yes if you ask me for marriage." Kourin replied.

"T-then we'll get married?!" Aichi asked surprised.

"Well... yeah..." Kourin nodded in response.

Aichi grinned with a blush present on his cheeks, he took Kourin's hand and wore her the ring.

"I love you so much, Kourin-san." Aichi whispered and kissed Kourin's hand.

"I love you too, Aichi."

Suddenly, Aichi leaned closer to Kourin's face and held her close. Kourin's eyes closed as Aichi gave a kiss on her lips.

It was the night that she'll never forget. The night where the meteor showers are falling and they shared a moment together under the starry skies.



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