Pouring Rain

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A/N: A new AiKou oneshot!!! Also, Ultra Rare is back in the reboot!! Yay! I've waited for so long! It was worth it, guys! Requests are open, everyone~ Anyways, another family AU! Enjoy!


Setting: Family AU


"I'm home!"

She glanced around, looking for the voice. There, she found a blue-haired guy smiling at her happily on the entrance and wet due to the rain. Kourin smiled back, and she could only giggle.

"Oh, Aichi." Kourin spoke and went to approach Aichi. She gave a towel to Aichi and puts it on his hair and started to dry his hair by ruffling it. "Why didn't you bring an umbrella?"

"Ah, I forgot!" Aichi told her, "I didn't know it would rain this hard because it was really sunny earlier!"

"I told you to bring one as always, dear." Kourin replied, pouting. "Now look what happened to you."

"I'm sorry, Kourin-san. I'll make sure to always bring one from now on." Aichi smiled at Kourin.

Kourin then smiled back, "Now go and take a bath. I'll take care of the children."

"Okay!" Aichi went to the bathroom right after and Kourin was looking at him. She gave a sigh and went to see their children playing on the living room. Kourin smiled and sat on the sofa.

Ai went to Kourin and suddenly hugged her, "Mommy!"

"What is it, Ai?" Kourin let Ai sit on her lap.

"Ai-chan want daddy!" Ai said with a cute bright smile. Kourin gave a giggle and pats her head.

"Alright, Ai-chan. Just wait for daddy to come out, okay?" Kourin replied.

Ai gave a nod and she waited for her father to come out. When Aichi went out of the bathroom, Ai saw him and she ran to hug on Aichi's leg.

"Daddy is home! Yay!" She exclaimed happily.

"Haha," Aichi smiled and went to carry Ai. "Yep! Daddy is home!"

Ai giggled and hugged Aichi. Aichi hugged back and he looked at Kourin, noticing that she looked tired and looked like she's about to sleep.

"Kourin-san, is everything okay?" Aichi asked her.

Kourin got back to her senses and glanced at Aichi and smiled. "I'm fine, Aichi. I'm just a little tired, that's all."

"Are you sure?" Aichi asked once again and looked at Ai. "Ai-chan, daddy has to talk to mommy, okay?"

"Okay!" Ai said and Aichi brought her down. Ai went to draw on the paper with crayons.

Aichi went to Kourin, sitting beside her and he embraced her. Kourin was surprised by her husband's reactions, she looked at Aichi.

"What are you doing?" Kourin asked.

"I am worried, Kourin-san… is everything okay?" Aichi asked her.

"I'm…" Kourin sighed before continuing, "I'm just tired."

"I see," Aichi kissed her forehead. "Kourin-san, you need to take some rest."

"But Aichi… the kids…" Kourin said.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them." Aichi told her as he strokes her hair.

Kourin gave a nod and saw the pouring rain. "Aichi, do you remember that time when we were having a little conversation while it was raining outside?"

Aichi gave a smile, "I can still remember it clearly."

"I thought you wouldn't, since you're too busy on your work." Kourin frowned.

Aichi gave a small chuckle and held her closer to him. "Why would I forget about my family and my beautiful wife?"

Kourin pouted then kissed him on his cheek, "I just thought of it…"

Aichi laughed a little, "I'll never forget that time when we were having coffee together, then I went to attack you for cuddling."

"Oh, Aichi…" Kourin embraced him back, "You were so childish before."

"I still am, right?" Aichi said.

"You still are! But if you let our kids see that, they'll think of it as weird, especially Kouichi." Kourin scolded.

Aichi smiled, "Kouichi-kun, huh… How old is he now again?"

"He's 7, Aichi. And he can understand so many things now, so he will think of you as weird if he saw you jumping to hug me."

"I thought of it as cute, Kourin-san!" Aichi protested.

"Oh really?" Kourin gave a poker face at him.

Aichi nodded, "Yes! That's what I think it is!"

"I dare you to do that in front of Ai." Kourin said.

"I will!" Aichi replied.

"Then do it, Aichi Sendou." Kourin smirked as she pulled from their embrace.

"I'll do it, Kourin Sendou." Aichi smirked back and he suddenly went to attack her and cuddled her. And he started to tickle her.

"A-Aichi!" Kourin suddenly laughed, "T-that tickles! S-stop tickling me!"

Aichi continues to tickle her until Kouichi came in and looked shocked.

"D-Dad? Mom? What are you two doing?!" Kouichi spoke and Aichi and Kourin both moved away from each other.

"N-nothing, Kouichi-kun!" Aichi gave a nervous laugh as he held hands with Kourin.

"Eh…" Kouichi looked suspicious.

"I-It's nothing at all, Kouichi! Just play with Ai or something!" Kourin smiled awkwardly.

"Okay…" Kouichi went to Ai and they went to play together.

Aichi and Kourin both gave a smile and laughed a bit together.

They both thought that it's still fun to do such things together even if they're married and they have a family to take care of.

Aichi looked at the window and watched the pouring rain, he noticed that Kourin went to sleep as she fell on Aichi's shoulder.

Aichi smiled, and he went to hug her as he let her rest.

"Take a rest, Kourin-san… I love you so much." He whispered on her ears and kissed her on her lips.



Yes, it's kind of like the sequel to Rainy Day. Is it cool? Yes or No? Anyways, for those who want story requests, just comment! Have a nice day/night!


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