Cicadas and Midnight

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A/N: This is a direct homage to one of my first stories on wattpad called "Hey Moon, Please Forget to Fall Down." A fanfiction of the anime series called WataMote and title was a reference to Panic! At The Disco's Northern Downpour. Back then, I was just told by a real life friend who let me discover this website back in 2015. I was already writing prior to joining this website, and when I got in here, I started to like this website! It's gonna be 4 years now since I first joined! Thank you all for the support!

Setting: college AU


"This party is really boring, huh..." Aichi gave a small sigh as he stared at his cup of juice; he glanced around and saw the disco lights changing colors as if it was responding to the beat of the R&B music. He felt out of place, since he was just literally dragged by his friends to join the party.

Aichi blinked and then he found his longtime crush, Kourin, who was also sitting by another table and looked really bored. He decided to approach her and gave an awkward smile.

"Hello!" He spoke, awkwardly sitting next to her.

"Oh, Aichi." Kourin just sighed as she drank her juice.

Aichi went quiet, he didn't know what to say to her and he was thinking of something to start the conversation. But before he could speak, Kourin let out a groan and hissed under her breath.

"This is so boring." She complained and looked at Aichi who was dumbfounded. Kourin giggled and went closer, "Hey do you want to ditch this party and go out somewhere else?"

"E-eh? O-of course!" Aichi nodded and Kourin stood up. She grabbed Aichi's arm and dragged him out of the place. As they left the place, the two of them went on a dark alleyway. They could still hear the music blaring from inside the building. The two of them let out a sigh in relief.

"I was really bored on that place, even though my friends are all there." Kourin spoke.

"But didn't you say that you're okay with Misaki-san being with you?" Aichi asked, looking at her.

"Well, her boyfriend showed up and I couldn't do anything but to just stay on the place where I was."

"I see! I'm the same, actually."

Aichi and Kourin both sighed and sat on the bench together next to a vending machine. The two individuals were awkwardly silent, as they're unsure on when to start a conversation, and what they should even talk about.

After a few moments of staring at the night sky, with the cicadas making noises, and the muffled beats of the music from inside the house party, they opened their mouths to speak.



They both looked at each other and laughed right after. Aichi shows his wide smile and Kourin smiled back.

"This is really nice, Aichi." Kourin stated. "It's been a while since I've felt peace, and college is really stressing me out."

"Same here, Kourin-san." Aichi replied.

"We're in the same boat, huh." Kourin muttered and let out a sigh, her trait that she always does whenever she feels nervous, indifferent, or just needing to let out some stress.

"So... Is there anything you want to do, Kourin-san?" Aichi asked.

"Well, shall we take a walk? The night seems peaceful." Kourin replied and Aichi agreed.

The two were walking around the town; the moon was bright and there was a lot of stars in the night sky.

Aichi was looking at the sky as they walked, he smiled to himself. Suddenly, Kourin held his hand. Aichi jolted a little but then he just smiled, letting Kourin. Aichi gently held her back and they both continued to walk their detours.

They heard the cicadas ringing as they sat at a grassy field, the cold wind blows and the moonlight shines down. Aichi took a breath and stared at the sky, while Kourin rested her head on Aichi's shoulder.

"Aichi, I'm glad you're here." Kourin said. "If you didn't approach me, I would've died in boredom over there."

The blunette let out a chuckle. "It's alright, Kourin-san! I'm always here to help you, so you don't need to worry."

"You really are a savior, aren't you?" Kourin smiled at him.

Aichi also smiled and stared at Kourin's green eyes, and he thought she was beautiful. (Which she really is.) And couldn't help but to blush.

"Is there something on my face?" Kourin asked.

"N-nothing!" Aichi stuttered and looked away and to the stars. "I-I wonder if there's ever going to be shooting stars or maybe some meteor showers..."

"Wouldn't the meteor showers be tomorrow?"

Aichi nodded at Kourin's statement and let out another smile.

"I want to watch it with you, Kourin-san." He said.

"Sure, let's meet up tomorrow night." Kourin replied.

To the two went quiet as they continued to watch the sky, and the cicadas' sounds were louder. And it gave them a relaxation.

It was already 2 am, Aichi noticed Kourin was already sleeping. He gave a smile and pats her head, letting her sleep on him.

Aichi then held her shoulder and closed his eyes.

Then, he heard Kourin spoke in a muttering tone.

"Thank you, Aichi..." She said.

Aichi grinned and nodded, his cheeks were blushing red. "Your welcome, Kourin-san." He replied and kissed her forehead, and he thought to himself that he should keep that kiss a secret.



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