Room Mates

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Author's Note: it's been a while since I've written and AiKou oneshot! Please enjoy!

Setting: university AU. Aichi and Kourin living in a mixed dorm and the two sleeps in the same room, shenanigans ensue. Also, OOC.


Kourin heard him spoke and she looked above her. She was sleeping on a double decker below and it was already past 2 am. Kourin gave a low grunt and turned around.

"Hey, Kourin-san." Her roommate spoke.

"What is it, Aichi?" Kourin gave an annoyed reply as she puts her pillow on her head.

"I can't sleep." Aichi replied.

"You woke me up just for that?" Kourin sighed and closed her eyes, trying to sleep.

Kourin didn't hear anything at all after that, and she thought that he might already fell asleep. Just as then, she heard footsteps going climbing down and thought that Aichi would go to the toilet or the kitchen. But Aichi didn't.

Kourin felt a weight on her bed and heard shuffling of blankets beside her. She gulped in nervousness and turned around, only to find Aichi already lying down next to her.

"Get out of my bed." Kourin said seriously.

"But I can't sleep." Aichi replied.

"I said get out of my bed and sleep somewhere else," Kourin glared at him.

Aichi smiled and held her close to him, "You wouldn't want your boyfriend to feel sad, right?"

"You're not my boyfriend, and you should leave me alone." Kourin told him.

Aichi laughed and touched Kourin's hair. "Ah, can you please help me go to sleep then?" He asked.


"Not even once?"

"I said no."

Aichi then suddenly gave a cute look to Kourin, he knows that she can't decline someone (mostly him) requesting her if they make a cute face. It was irresistible, and of course Aichi knew that. He's her friend since highschool so he knows.

"A-alright! Just tonight, okay? Don't you ever do this again!" Kourin hissed and went to start doing her job.

Aichi smiled and nodded; and Kourin started to pat and his head and ruffle his hair. Kourin went closer and embraced him, while Aichi closed his eyes.

Kourin didn't know why but this felt really calming for her. Earlier she was really stressed while revising a thesis she wrote for the lesson she studied, and it really made her feel stressed out. But now, all she could feel was like a weight lifted from her shoulders. She felt relaxed.

Kourin was starting to feel sleepy, and she just closed her eyes and fell asleep.


The next morning, Kourin woke up in the arms of Aichi. She opened her eyes and realized that she's embracing him tightly. Kourin was about to move away but the blunette turned to face her and unconsciously embraced her.

"Ah…" Kourin looked at him and embraced back, as she had no other choice but to. Well, she really does have a choice but just once wouldn't hurt, right?

Kourin just stayed like that, until Aichi woke up and looked back at Kourin.

"Good morning, Kourin-san." Aichi gave a sly smile as he started to caress Kourin's body.

"Good morning, and get your hands off of me, you pervert." Kourin gave a glare at the blunette and Aichi moved away from her.

"S-sorry!" Aichi said and got up from the bed and glanced at Kourin. "Anyways, today's Sunday. Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Um, sure. I just need to go and finish revising my thesis." Kourin agreed.

"Just bring your laptop! We're going to a cafe and study anyways." Aichi gave a grin.

"Alright," Kourin replied and got up. And so both of them went to do their tasks.


She didn't know why, but there they are again; him lying down next to her while she would just let him do that.

Aichi was already sleeping and Kourin was awake, embracing him.

'Why am I doing this?! Why am I letting him do this?!' She thought. 'Ugh! Kourin, you should make him stop!'

Kourin just gave a sigh and went to sleep.


She thought that would be the last time, but it wasn't. Aichi would always go to sleep with her, and Kourin couldn't do anything but to just agree. That went on for three months, and until Kourin finally told him.

"Stop sleeping with me."

Aichi gave a surprised look as he glanced at Kourin while drinking his coffee. "Eh?! B-but why?!"

"Because it's not okay!" Kourin exclaimed. "Our friends already think that we're some kind of lovers or some friends with benefits!"

"But Kourin-san I-"

"No buts, Aichi! We're going to end this nonsense right now!" Kourin said.

Aichi then gave a sigh and puts his cup of coffee to the table. He approached her and held her hand.

"What if I said no?" He asked.

"Then I will still prevent you from doing so." Kourin replied and pulled away from his hold.

"Kourin-san, please! I like the way you hug me when we sleep! And I don't see any problems with that!" Aichi responded.

Kourin glared at him and crossed her arms. "I see lots of problems, we're not lovers to even do that kind of stuff!"

But suddenly, Aichi went to pull Kourin close to him and kissed her lips. As they let go, Aichi gave a serious look at her.

"We're now lovers, Kourin-san." He said in a whispering voice.

"How are we-" Kourin was cut off as Aichi gave another kiss, that was then she gave in to him. They continued to kiss until they needed air to breathe, they both let go.

"I told you, we're now lovers." Aichi whispered and Kourin blushed.

"Are you serious about that?" Kourin said.

Aichi gave a smile, "Of course we are! Now sleep with me!"

Kourin blushed harder and threw a pillow on Aichi's face. "Did you seriously made me your girlfriend just so you could sleep with me?!"

"Of course not! I like you a lot but right now…" Aichi smirked at Kourin who suddenly looked nervous. He ran and jumped on her, and both of them fell on Kourin's bed. "Sleep with me."

Kourin pouted and then sighed, "Alright." She gave a smile right after.

"Finally!" Aichi chuckled and embraced Kourin tightly, and Kourin just let him be. They both gave a laugh and took a nap together.



I'm so sorry for not updating this book! I'm so busy with everything that I forgot this!

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