Hiding Wounds

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A/N: requested by user15027390. I'm sorry if this took a bit long;; I was kind of busy ;-; but here you go!

warnings for blood

It wasn't really Aichi's thing to fight physically, since he knew he's not fit to hurt someone on physical terms. He can only try to stop someone and just give up or try to think of a plan to stop them without actually hurting them.

But this time, there was no choice.

He saw Kourin, his friend being hit by some thugs, cat calling her and harassing her. It got on his nerves, he got so angry.

He wanted to protect her and save her from these horrible people.

So he ran up to them and he spoke, with his nervous hands turned into fists.

"Get off of her!" He said angrily and the thugs looked at him with a sly grin.

"Huh?! Why would we?!" One of the thugs said and cracked his fingers. "You wanna die, kid?!"

"Aichi!" Kourin looked at him worryingly. She knew Aichi can't stop them, with these thugs being muscular and strong enough to crush Aichi.

"I don't care, just leave her alone, please!" Aichi said.

"Didn't we say it, huh? We don't want to!" One of them suddenly punched Aichi on the stomach, causing the blunette to cough and couldn't breathe properly.

"Aichi!!" Kourin was about to help him but Aichi looked at her.

"Kourin-san! Please run away! I can take care of myself!" Aichi yelled as he continued getting beaten up.

"But Aichi-"


Kourin felt like crying, but she had to run. And she could only cry as she ran away, hoping that Aichi would be fine.


"Kourin..." Misaki tried to calm Kourin down as she rubs her back.

Kourin suddenly came running to the shop and she started to cry about what was happening to Aichi. It was a good thing it was just Misaki and Kourin on the shop because it would make a scene.

Misaki is, of course worried about Aichi. She wanted to go and help Aichi out from the thugs but Kourin warned her since they were all strong.

"Should we call the police, Kourin?" Misaki said.

"I-I think we should... I don't want him to be more hurt!" Kourin exclaimed and Misaki gave a nod. She took her phone and was about to call the police.

But someone came inside the shop, it was Aichi. He was smiling, he has a little bruise on his cheek.

"Aichi!" Kourin suddenly ran up to Aichi and embraced him tightly. "I'm so glad you're here! What happened?! Are you okay? What happened to them?!"

Aichi smiled at her, "Don't worry Kourin-san. I took care of them." He replied, "Didn't I tell you? I'll protect you at all costs."

"Aichi... you're so reckless, you know that?!" Kourin embraced him tighter.

Aichi only smiled and embraced her back. He winced a bit as he felt the huge cut on his arm, he was kind of glad he had a jacket to hide it.

He wanted to hide it as he didn't want to worry Kourin even more.

"Aichi, what happened to them?" Kourin asked him as she mends his bruise on his cheek.

Aichi gave a silly grin, "I took care of them, of course!"

"Oh," Kourin pouted. "How? They were so stronger than you?"

"Kourin-san... I'm stronger than you see," Aichi told her. "And you should be proud because your future husband is a strong guy!"

Kourin giggled and looked at him, she wondered how Aichi managed to fight back.

Aichi couldn't really tell Kourin that what he did was beating the thugs up by giving them a mental breakdown, which he used with his own power.

"So Kourin-san, do you want to- ah!" Aichi suddenly felt the pain on his arm and he grits his teeth in pain.

"Aichi what's wrong?" Kourin asked worried.

"N-no it's nothing- ah!" Aichi had to hold his arm and he noticed that blood was trickling down to his hand.

"Aichi?! What happened to that?!" Kourin grabs his arm and rolled up the sleeve. She was shocked to see the huge cut and he was bleeding.

"Aichi, why didn't you tell me you got hurt here?!" Kourin exclaimed as she looked at him. Aichi frowned and looked away.

"I'm sorry... I didn't want to... make you worry..." He replied.

"Then why did you have to hide your wound?!"

"I-I just... couldn't tell you... I don't want you to cry because of me..."

Kourin bites her lip and she took the first aid. She started to wipe the blood away and cleans Aichi's arm with an antiseptic. Aichi winced in pain but he had to endure it.

Kourin then wraps Aichi's arm with the gauze and bandaid. She looks back at Aichi.

"Don't do this again, okay?" Kourin said and embraced Aichi.

Aichi nodded and smiled, "I won't. I'm so sorry." Aichi embraced her back and gave a kiss on her forehead.

'I swear I'll protect you always, Kourin-san.'



A/N: Requests are closed for now! I'll tell you guys when you could request for an AiKou oneshot again! But for now, I don't accept requests! I'm sorry and thank you!


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