Rainy Day

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A/N: This just passed through my mind while it was actually raining on our place. And what does a rainy day means? Fluff. Haha, just enjoy the story, guys!

The sky was grey and dull, the rain was pouring down and the wind was blowing hard. It was a cold afternoon. Kourin quietly sighed as she stared through the window, watching as the raindrops flew down the glass pane.

Kourin sighed once again, she held her arms to her chest trying to keep herself warm, but it seems like it didn't work, as she could still feel herself shivering. Her long sleeved shirt seemed not to be able to cover her for warmth. Kourin breathed for a few times before closing her eyes as she lied down on the sofa and tried to take a nap.

Kourin woke up to an unfamiliar sound of someone walking, and the feeling of warmth. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed there was a blanket on her.

'Is this why I didn't feel that cold earlier?' She thought.

Kourin sat and saw that there was a familiar person standing in front of her and holding two cups of what supposed to be a hot drink. She had her green eyes locked on a certain blue eyed person.

"Hello Kourin," Aichi grinned at her and put down the two cups on the coffee table. He sat beside her and smiled once again.

"Um… hey, Aichi…" Kourin looked back at him and blushed when she saw his playful grin. "W-welcome b-back…" She stuttered, but it was not because of her blushing but because of her starting to get cold again.

"You seem cold, you should drink your coffee." Aichi remarked as he slowly gave the cup of coffee to Kourin's trembling hands.

"Thank you…" Kourin replied, blushing.

Aichi went closer to Kourin and took off his jacket, he puts the jacket around Kourin's trembling body with his arms, embracing her tightly.

"A-Aichi?" Kourin looked up at her and saw Aichi smiled sheepishly at her.

"I just wanted to make sure you are comfortable, Kourin… I don't want you to get cold." Aichi said, and Kourin blushed hardly. She thought that Aichi was sweet enough to do this, and careful enough to take care of her. She could only smile at the blunette.

"Thank you Aichi," Kourin said as she took a sip of her coffee before putting it down to snuggle with Aichi.

Aichi gave a small kiss on Kourin's forehead as he stroked some of her long blonde hair; while Kourin hugged him back, feeling the warmth of the blunette around her.

"How was work, Aichi?" Kourin was the first to speak.

"It was fine, how about you?" Aichi replied.

Kourin sighed, "Not much, we haven't got any work so I came home early." She told him and Aichi nodded.

Aichi let go of her and smiled, before leaning down for a kiss, but he was stopped by the idol. Kourin puts her hand on Aichi's mouth, making him unable to do what he wanted to.

"Idiot, you really want to make your move, huh?" Kourin said to him and smirked.

"Buff I wanf fo fish fou!" Aichi spoke in a muffled voice.

"…What?" Kourin looked at him in confusion. Then Aichi took Kourin's hand off his mouth before speaking again.

"I said, I want to kiss you!" Aichi said to her, Kourin giggled at his remark before smiling at him. She leaned to give a small peck on Aichi's lips, causing him to get red as a tomato.

"There," Kourin said, "Are you okay, now?" She drank her coffee once again.

"Y-yeah!" Aichi laughed nervously, "But what about you, you still seem cold."

"Am I?" Kourin looked at her hand and noticed it was shaking, she had to put the cup down before the hot liquid spills on her hand. "Wow, it- it really must be cold today."

"Yeah," Aichi agreed as he looked at the rain through the window, "this rain won't last until tomorrow morning, as the report says."

Kourin took a glance at Aichi as she heard his serious voice, but she swore she saw him smirk. Aichi noticed Kourin's stare at him and looked back.

"What is it?" He tilted his head a little.

"You are thinking about something, aren't you?" Kourin said, then Aichi laughed.

Aichi smiled widely at Kourin, "Yes I do!" He stated, "Because, do you know what a rainy day means, Kourin?"

"W-what?" Kourin started to get nervous on what Aichi meant, she backed away slowly as Aichi went closer to her.

"Cuddling time!" Aichi exclaimed as he tackled Kourin down to the sofa and started to cuddle her. Kourin was so surprised by his actions, but later on she just let him, a cuddle for a rainy day from the person she loves just made her feel warm and happy again.


A/N: I know I kinda failed on this! I swear I tried making a fluff and this was the result. But still, I'm glad I am able to finish this for an hour. If there is some typos or grammar mistakes please point it out! Thank you! :)

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