Bisou Toxique

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A/N: Crying because I thought of AiKou again. Also, to clear things up, I'm not sure if I wrote the French words right. (Google Translate helped me ;;;)


Bisou Toxique - Poisonous/Toxic Kiss

Setting: Vampire AU


"Vampires don't exist, and even if they are. They only live in your dreams."

I say out loud as I saw my sister Rekka watching a romantic vampire movie, whatever she was watching, it was a pure pile of cringe.

Rekka gave a pout as she glanced at me, "Yeah right, you just don't appreciate romance and handsome vampires!"

I sigh as I rolled my eyes and looked at the window, it was raining quite hard this night. Good thing I came home early from my hang out with my friend Misaki or we would have a problem with this heavy rain.

I excused myself to go back to my room, it was late already and I feel tired. I needed to go to sleep.

When I was at my bedroom, I quickly lied on my bed after I changed to my sleeping clothes. I covered myself with blankets and closed my eyes to sleep.

"Oh? This is weird..."

Who was that?

"Ah, I knew she'd sleep at this time. Oh well, time to drink."

I thought it was Suiko, or Rekka. It's not even Takuto. Who would go to my room this late?

I haven't opened my eyes as I wanted to make sure I'm just hearing things.

But when I felt a weight on my bed, and a hot breath was against my face, that's where I reacted. I opened my eyes and saw a guy.

Wait, a guy?!

"Who the hell are you?!" I yelled as I pushed him away and he fell.

"Whoa, whoa. Can you calm your voice down, miss? I have something to do here." He said.

"Are you a thief or a rapist?! Get off of my house!" I yelled again, taking my pillow and hit him with it.

"I'm no rapist nor a thief!" He exclaimed. "Stop!"

"I don't care! Get. Off. Of. My. House!"

"Alright!" He moved away and stood up, he gave a look at me. His gleaming blue eyes staring at me and he suddenly gave a toothy smile, I could see a fang on his teeth and he chuckled.

All of a sudden he held my hand and pushed me down, I yelped and was about to scream when he covered my mouth with his hand.


"Shh, I only came for your blood. Keep quiet or you'll lose too much of it."


I was so confused, what is he even saying?! He came for my blood?! What the heck is he?!

"Mmphh!! Mmph!!!!" I try to scream but he kept his hand on me. Then I felt his lips touch the skin of my neck, I flinched.

I could feel his mouth open as he let out a breath and then... I felt fangs against my skin. I moaned, it was painful. His fangs were in my blood vein, where I could feel my blood flowing out.

It was making me feel weak, as this guy continues to suck my blood and his tongue would slither against my skin.

He then stopped, and I couldn't feel my body anymore. I slowly looked at him, his mouth covered in my blood and he licked the blood from his lips as he smiled at me.

"W-what are you?" I spoke, my voice crooked.

"Just a another vampire, you see." He replied, "You have the tastiest blood, Kourin..."


"I've been watching you, and I think after a century, I found my princess." He told me, I couldn't think anymore.

Suddenly, he kissed me and though I wanted to let go, I can't because I became weak with the loss of blood.

He broke the kiss and opened the window, he glanced at me and smiled. "My name is Aichi, and I'm glad that I found you, mon chéri."

He said that before he left me and I had to close my eyes.

Who are you, Aichi? And why did you give me that poisonous kiss?




mon chéri = honey

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