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A/N: Just a little idea I had a while ago. Enjoy~


It was the first time that Kourin got pregnant, and the first time that Aichi and Kourin would experience becoming parents.

It was Kourin's seventh month, her tummy had grown already and she's being moody. Aichi found that cute though, he likes to tease Kourin a bit.

The couple went out to the park to have a little date. It was Aichi's decision because he was too busy at work that he sometimes go home late, or if not, it would take him a few days before managing to go home.

It was quite hard for Aichi because he wants to take care of his wife, specially because his wife needs special care due to her being pregnant.

"Aichi, I'm glad you took us out today." Kourin told him as they were walking together hand in hand.

Aichi smiled as he glanced at Kourin, "Yeah, this is the only way I could do. I haven't been with you for these past few days and I am so homesick. I'm glad I came back."

"I am happy too, but please don't overwork yourself okay? That's bad for your health." Kourin reminded him as she pouted.

Aichi chuckled, "I won't, don't worry about it. I take some break when I have time to do so."


"You don't have to worry, Kourin-san."


For a moment there, Aichi noticed that Kourin's personality had changed a bit. He blinked for a few times before looking back at her.

And Kourin has changed, literally.

Or maybe it was just because of her mood swings?

Either way, she still looked cute. He thought.

They found an open place and Aichi quickly puts the picnic basket down. He puts the cloth on the ground and he helped Kourin to sit there.

Aichi sat right after and he prepared the foods that they brought. He gave Kourin a cup of water and Kourin kindly received it.

"This is such a peaceful day, isn't it? The two of us... I mean three of us getting to have a day like this." Aichi stated as he stared at the tree's leaves above them.

"Yes, I like this too. I hope we do this every once in a while, Aichi." Kourin replied.

"Not just once, I want it every time!" Aichi protested and they both laughed.

Then, they both heard a child wailing. The couple looked and saw a young boy crying. Aichi noticed a red balloon flying up in the air.

The boy must've accidentally let go of the balloon string.

"Wait a minute, Kourin-san. I'll help him." Aichi said and stood up.

"Sure," Kourin nodded.

As Aichi went to the kid, he tried to calm him down.

"U-um... is there anything wrong?" Aichi asked.

"My balloon! I want my balloon back!" The boy cried and pointed at the flying balloon.

"Oh..." Aichi responded and he then thought of an idea, he smiled.

"Hey, how about this? I'll buy you a new one." Aichi suggested.

The boy looked at him as he wiped his tears away, "R-really? You would do that, mister?"

"Yup! So that you can have your new balloon!" Aichi grinned.

The boy stopped crying and smiled lively, "Thank you!"

The two then went to a nearby balloon stall and Aichi bought the boy a balloon with the exact color of the balloon the boy had before.

"Thank you so much, mister! Thank you!" The boy said happily.

"No problem, just remember to take good care of it and don't let it fly away again, okay?" Aichi said.

"Okay! I'll be going now, thank you!" The boy then ran away and Aichi found out that there are other kids with him.

Kourin, at the other hand, found out how caring her husband is to children. She had a smile on her face while watching him help the boy.

Aichi turned to Kourin and waved his hands to her, Kourin waved back and watched as Aichi walks up to her.

Kourin then puts her hand on her tummy, rubbing it.

"He will become a nice, caring father. I'm sure of it. You'll have the best dad ever, Kouichi..."



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